January 26, 2019
3 mins read

የአማራ ብሔራዊ ንቅናቄ (አብን) በዛሬው ዕለት በናዝሬት ከተማ የማስተባበሪያ ቅርንጫፍ ጽ/ቤቱን መክፈቱን አስታውቋል

የአማራ ብሔራዊ ንቅናቄ (አብን) በዛሬው ዕለት በናዝሬት ከተማ የማስተባበሪያ ቅርንጫፍ ጽ/ቤቱን መክፈቱን አስታውቋል::


አብን  በተጨማሪም ከሰሞኑ በድሬዳዋ ከተማ አስተዳደር በተከሰተው ግጭት ምክንያት የአካል ጉዳት በደረሰባቸውና ሕይወታቸውን ባጡ ዜጎች የተሰማውን ጥልቅ ኃዘን ገልጾ መግለጫ አውጥቷል:: “በድሬድዋ ከተማ አስተዳደር የረጅም ጊዜ የሕዝብ ጥያቄ ሆነው ከቆዩ ጉዳዮች መካከል የዜጎችን እኩልነት የሚነፍገው አፓርታይድ 40-40-20 ቀመር አንዱ ነው፡፡ ይኼ ቀመር የዜጎችን ዲሞክራሲያዊና ሰብዓዊ መብቶች በጣሰና በዜጎች መካከል እኩልነትን በነፈገ፣ አግላይና ነጣይ በሆነ መንገድ ተግባራዊ እየተደረገ ይገኛል፡፡ በዚህ የተነሳም በከተማዋ የሚኖሩ ዜጎችን በተለይም አማራውን ለኢፍትኃዊ ተጠቃሚነትና ለሥራ አጥነት እየዳረገ ይገኛል፡፡” ያለው አብን “በዜጎች መካከል መበላለጥን የሚፈጥረው የአፓርታይድ ቀመር እንዲቀር በተደጋጋሚ ጊዜ የድሬድዋ ሕዝብ በተለያዩ መድረኮች ጥያቄ ቢያቀርብም መፍትሔ ከሚመለከታቸው አካላት በወቅቱ ሊገኝ ባለመቻሉ ሕዝባችን ለግጭቶችና ደኅንነት ስጋቶች በመዳረግ ላይ ይገኛል፡፡” ብሏል:: 

ስለሆነም አብን ግጭቱ በአስቸኳይ እንዲቆምና ዜጎችም ሁሉን አቀፍ ጥያቄዎቻቸውን በሰከነና ሰላማዊ በሆነ መንገድ ለመንግሥት እንዲያቀርቡ እየጠየቀ፤ መንግሥት የድሬዳዋ ሕዝብ ላቀረበው የፍትኅና እኩልነት ጥያቄዎች አፋጣኝ መልስ እንዲሰጥ፤ 40-40-20 የተሰኘ የአፓርታይድ አሰራርን በማስወገድ ዜጎች በእኩልነትና በፍትኃዊነት የሚስተናገዱበትን አሰራር እንዲዘረጋ ጥሪያችንን እናቀርባለን፡፡ በድጋሜ በግጭቱ ጉዳት ለደረሰባቸው ወገኖች የተሰማንን ጥልቅ ኃዘን እንገልፃለን፡፡” ብሏል::

ይህ ዘገባ እስከተጠናከረበት ጊዜ ድሬስ በድሬደዋ በተከሰተው ግጭት ዙሪያ መግለጫ የሰጠው ብቸኛው የፖለቲካ ፓርቲ አብን ብቻ ነው::


  1. Do you speak about Adama of Oromia or about another city which is called Nazret in Amhara region? Be cautious what whatever you dream about! We are now in the era of Qeerroos.

    These guys are politically infant and a collection of some simple minded creatures. Even their ghost father, Menilik (the Hitler of Africa) was more diplomatic than these guys by far. My advice for them is to take a basic political science courses before they open again htheir filthy mouths. Their poor discourse has nothing to do with the reality at hands in Ethiopia today. 

    Their dreams will never be realized. The politics of one language, one culture  and a single nation is dangerous and cannot be accepted. If any group may try against the Oromo people, it will face a great challenge which may have a counterproductive  for those none-Oromo residents of Oromia. But now temporally anyone can make noises. That is all what this group can do right now. We are in the new of the Qubee generation.

    Ethiopia is a country which is always affected by the backward noises. Ever ignorant can claim overnight as a brilliant politician without understanding what is going on in that part of the world. Most of those who open their filthy mouths today aren’t in a position even to understand who brought the changes in that country. 

    You can keep on your stupidity which will produce nothing. Let me assure you for a record, your attempts will never bring back the inhuman eras of the uprooted and eradicated systems. They have gone for good and will not came back again. Ethiopia cannot go back to the old eras of “golden times”. Nobody can impose again it’s hagemoy more in Oromia. The integrity of Oromia including Finfinnee will be untouchable. The Oromo nation has been fighting injustice and subjugation in it’s  homeland, Oromia in order to regain it’s human dignity as one of the great nations of East Africa. This great nation will also protect it’s political gains. Just wait and watch out!  No more business as usual. Period!

    Anyone or a group of individuals who don’t want to respect the values, norms, culture and language of the Oromo nation can leave Oromia peacefully to a region of his or their choice. We will not entertain any more the offsprings of ex-neftengas those who are not grateful.

    All residents of Oromia will be treated equally. It doesn’t matter which ethnic background one may have. But all residents of Oromia must know their obligations and responsibilities. They must respect all the natural rights of the great Oromoo nation unconditionally.

  2. Tigray People’s Liberation front (TPLF) considered the Derg regime (1973-1991) to be Amara’s government ,TPLF also considered the Hailesselasie Monarchy (1923-1973) to be Amara’s government. Was that true? No It was not.

    Historically both in Derg’s time and in Hailesselasie time there were people from all ethnicities holding power. The TPLF knows the Amara was not the only one in power during 1923-1991 but TPLF preaches these distorted history about Amaras time so that TPLF can put Tigrayans only in power saying it is Tigrayans turn to prosper and others especially Amaras to suffer. There were few hodam Amaras that went around saying ” it is Tigrayans turn to prosper and let us do nothing while they prosper and we suffer . Tigrayans were the main eyes for Ethiopia before Amara took power so it is just for tigrayans to opress Amaras and so on. ” These hodam Amaras are now the main ones fueling the unrest between Tigrayans and Oromos telling the oromos the same thing that it is Tigrayans turn to prosper and the oromo didnot have the right to stand up for their right but Oromo wasnot going to stand for it because they saw how many Amaras died and suffered just so Tigrayans feel they had their turn to live good. Tigrayans were not satisfied no matter what they got until they take away everything from other ethnicities. for TPLf it is not anymore how well of Tigrayans are it is how much the other ethnicities are in misery. Tigrayans proved that they will not be satisfied until other ethnicities are out of existence and they are the majority controlling everything in Ethiopia. TPLF got everything but they will not rest until their genocide is completed especially they will not let Amaras be free . Every Amara is on close watch and gets attacked every chance they get.

  3. This group and some pseudo journalists like Eskinder Nega and Getachew Shiferaw are ultra nationalists of Amhara who worship the ghost of Menilik. They have neither morality nor humanity.

    Eskinder Nega is indescribable racist.  He works day and night to discredite the Oromo people. He and those like him anti-Oromo elements may try everything under the sky to fulfill their political ambitions. But it is futile. Now we are in the era of Qeerroos. There is no more Finfinne which you used to gallop as it pleased you. Let me assure you for a record, your attempts will never bring back the inhuman eras of the uprooted and eradicated systems. They have gone for good and will not came back again. Ethiopia cannot go back to the old eras of “golden times”. Nobody can impose again it’s hagemoy more in Oromia. The integrity of Oromia including Finfinnee will be untouchable. The Oromo nation has been fighting injustice and subjugation in it’s  homeland, Oromia in order to regain it’s human dignity as one of the great nations of East Africa. This great nation will also protect it’s political gains. Just wait and watch out! 

    Strangely, Eskinder Nega considers himself as his ghost father, Menilik (the Hitler of Africa) who used to decide over everything as almighty. His Menilik used to give different parts of Oromia to his servants during his “golden time”.  Likewise Eskinder trys to promise the beloved Oromo son Takle Uma to hand over  Finfinnee if he denaunce the special interests of Oromia on Finfinne which is one of the best components of the Ethiopian constitution. His campaign is not new. It is just the continuation of their campaigns against the Oromo people.  They have been attacking Tekle Uma since he swore in as the mayor of Finfinne because he is an Oromo. If someone from Gonder had took the position, we would have never heard such noises. But we need no permission from those mentally retarded like Eskinder to get back Finfinne as an integral part of Oromia. We will get it back by our struggles likewise we librated Eskinder from the bondage the TPLF. Thus, the Oromo people will not strife any more for the special interests. If you don’t want to see the Oromo daughters and sons waking proudly in Finfinne you can leave our city peacefully, otherwise your liberators will teach you soon unforgettable lessons. 

    The claim of  Eskinder Nega is similar to that of some racist white settlers of Southafrica who tried to claim their own state within Southafrica at the beginning of the 90th. Those individuals were growing up with the mentalities of apartheid and they cannot accept the Africans as an equal human being. Therefore, it was a shame for them to live with the Africans as an equal citizen. We have been entertaining such latent apartheid and segregation mentalists in Ethiopia since the Era of Menelik. For them the Oromo nation is subhuman and it’s cultural and social values are irrelevant.  But now the time of such individuals with antihuman mentalities is up. No more segregation and discrimination of the Oromo nation and it’s culture and laguage in it’s own homeland. The sleeping giant is awake. The dreams of persons like Eskinder are just a sign of desperation and hopelessness. No one can help them. Eskinder Nega is agains the basic human rights of the OROMO nation even though he grew up in Finfine, Oromia. 

    This ugly guy was at war with the TPLF only becuse of his hegemonic ambitions which was in conflict with that of the TPLF. He has been struggling to bring back the hegemony of his forefathers in Oromia. Eskinder equates last time his liberator (the QEERROOS) with Nazi. Do you think that such individuals stand for human rights?  Because of Qeerroos why he is able to speak now freely. But he uses his pen to wrongly accuse them instead of promoting democracy. He is just anti-Oromo. He is the worst Oromophobia. He is just disrespectful guy. Even his radical statements make the Oromo nation and other subjugated nations in Ethiopia more strong and determined to fight his backward and uncivilized mentalities and ideologies.

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ትግሉ ይጥራ – ከጥሩነህ ግርማ

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