June 23, 2013
1 min read

ዶክቶር ብርሃኑ ነጋ ና አውራምባ ታይምስ – ከግርማ ካሣ

  ዶክቶር ብርሃኑ ነጋ ና አውራምባ ታይምስ

ግርማ ካሳ
ጁን 23 2013
ከዶር ብርሃኑ ጋር አንድ ወቅት፣ የቅንጅት አመራር አባል የነበሩ ጊዜ በጣም ወዳጆች ነበርን። ላለፉት አምስት አመታት ግን ተራራቅን። አለመስማማት በመካከላችን ተፈጠረ። እርሳቸው አንድ መንገድ ያዙ። የጦርነት መንገድ ! ከማይመቹን  ቡድኖች ጋር ማበር ጀመሩ። በተለያዩ ጊዜያት የሚመሩት ድርጅት የሚያራምዳቸውን ፖሊሲዎችን መንቀፍ ጀመርን።  የፖለቲካ ልዩነት ባህል ብዙ ያልገባቸው የርሳቸው ደጋፊዎች ተነሱብን። «ግንቦት ሰባትን ለምን ትናገራላችሁ? » በሚል  ወያኔ ተባልን።   – ለማንበብ እዚህ ይጫኑ  




  1. I agree with Girma Kassa thank you for your article. Ginbot 7 must stop relation with Shabia and other historical enemy of Ethiopia.this people are not good for our country they dont want to see a strong Ethiopia.

  2. It doesn’t matter who is supporting you once you make the critical decision of armed struggle. The only headach will be the reliability of your supporter. Shabia is highly unreliable. Weyane is more friendly than any other pro-Ethiopian for shabia and Egypt. It is not because Egypt and shabia are our historical enemies that I don’t accept their support. It is because they just want a civil war to broke out that helps them either weaken Ethiopia economy or twist weyanes’ hand towards their interest. Be asured that weyane will do anything to stay in power even compromising key national interest. unlike previous governments, weyane is always ready to do whatever it takes as far as it is thier only option to stay in power. Whatever great achivements can armed struggle made supported by shabia and Egypt, at the end of the day these two beasts will destroy you overnight once they make sure that they can get whatever they want from weyane. They know very well that weyane is fheir bitch. Though I support armed struggle (given the nature of weyane) I highly object direct control and involvement of the two beasts.

  3. Your comments on Dr.Birhanu Nega is totally based on”suppose” .If what you suspect is not true,it is like a person on a sand with no drop of water.

  4. Thank you dear writer….we hate woyane …it’s fact . The same is true we strongly hate shabya and Egypt ..which means any group or individual have a relation with those 2 is directly Ethiopian enemy. So, is genbot 7 Ethiopian enemy???? My answer is NOT YET BECAUSE WE ARE GIVING A WARNING FOR HIM TO BROKE ITS RELATION …. Bcs we love g7 & dr. So please doctor take our advise…, unless………………we gonna divorce.

  5. Ato Girma, as always you are making excellent points. Unfortunately Dr Birhanu and others do not listen. They think they are always right. if they listen, surely it will be good for them as well as the struggle. Working with shabia is very toxic ..

  6. It seems Girma’s comment is to hit two birds with a stone .His objective is to attack both ETHSAT and Dr Birhanu .at the same time .The comment tries to associate ETHSAT with the so called “money donated from Egypt to Ginbot 7”
    I believe any kind of opinion or comment should be based on fact or evidence not on assumption unless it has hidden objective .

  7. Though am not supporting the alignment of G7 with Shabia ,i am fully confident to sever the relation when G7 stands on its own feet in very short time. However the article of pastor Girma sounds and smells like typical woyane propaganda .As to me the woyane must be challenged with all forms of struggle ranging from peaceful to armed including prayer and condemnation by elders what and what not to destroy woyane and its ramification .

  8. Girma Kassa as usual you tried to put yourself above all of us, you are nobody regarding UDJ or Shango and others, they are not your personal properties you just pretending as you are the owner of UDJ but as a matter of fact UDJ or other political parties have much better ties with Dr. Berhanu or G7 than you. You just seeking attention by attacking Dr. Berhanu Nega and other true Ethiopians freedom fighters. Girma you can cry day and night to serve Weyane but it is too late to protect Weyane soon will be the end of the game.

  9. This Girma (Gudu) Kassa stuff is a strong supporter of “Awre” Amba Times because he dislikes Dr. Berhanu. He must be crazy, and if that is the case, he has to visit a doctor. What is the problem for G7 to get supports from anyone? During their invasion of Ethiopia, Weyane had got millions from all Arab countries including Egypt. They even paid back that support by destroying the Tana Beles Project. So, what is your problem? Have you ever asked yourself what you did so far apart from writing mumbo jumbo everywhere and every time? If you are up to your commitment, stand up or shut up. Dawit the Awre Amba is doing his hidden job by dividing opposition groups. He was a supporter of G7 when Kinijit was strong. Now, he is accusing G7 because he thinks that this is the only opposition group that can challenge his Tigre brothers in power. Dawit has been tested and he failed several times. He is a big lair. I remember, once he put Mulualem death to a place in Bahir Dar as if he issued a death certificate. This guy is totally confused, isolated and doesn’t know what to do next. He aspired to be a journalist at ESAT. But, he failed because he didn’t have the right education. Mr. Gudu Kassa, don’t waste your time to convince us that AwreAmaba is better than G7 or Dawit works harder than Dr. Berhanu for Ethiopia. We are adults and can identify the bad from the good. Your effort of posting your old e-mail amounts to begging the AwreAmba Times hyena. He will use you and throw you whenever he thinks you are irrelevant. So, be care full. Use your time to promote the cause of G7 to realize a better Ethiopia.

  10. @Girma Kassa, you seem to know how to write and how journalists perform. But when you call this Moron Awramba Times “editor” a journalist, you put yourself at the bottom base.For me he is like those sub-professionals of the Ethiopia TV who produced the Cut-and-Past of “Akeldama” and “Jehadawi Harekat”. The recent video of the same ‘editor” you are praising is nothing but a morally degraded and substance-less propaganda like those ETV videos. How could you build your case against G7 based on vague allegation of the “grant money” received from Eritrea/ Egypt. I am so glad Dr. Brehanu, ESAT, and other media outlets have ignored this trash and gutter claim, because (1) it is produced by a lousy Bereke propaganda machine and delivered through its Trojan horse from Phoenix, AZ (2) everybody aware that groups/ people like you are purposely crawling to drag the real struggle from going fast to the right direction. You are dying to hear some word from Dr. brehanu and G7 so that this bogus but evil claim gets national attention. I assure you it is not gonna happen…..never…

    • This is not vague accusations. You guys who are upset by Ato Girma Kassa need to look at facts presented. it is no GK on the audio but Dr Birhanu himself.

  11. Ato Girma, the fact Dr Birhanu did not deny Awramba’s report, does not mean they accepted money from Egypt. That is one mistake you made. Other than that you provided very good recommendations to G7. I hope they listen. Working with Shabia will bury them.

  12. Go hell punk!

    We have one enemy to take care of at this time. Only one. And that is TPLF and their slaves. And you are one of them along with Awre Amba or አውሬ አምባ , a traitor, who is currently spying and working hard for TPLF even though he got a poltical asylum which I hope lawyers in the Diaspora will investigate. And you are his side kick along with Tigray online and Aiga Forum.

    Even an ordinary peasant knows better than you. If TPLF is the main problem, you don’t fire on someone, like G7, fighting TPLF tooth and nail and day and night at this time. But you do. Why? Because you are paid slaves of Bereket Simon and the TPLF mafia.

    You are singling out one opposition group which you think is relatively stronger at this time while leaving the rest alone. How can you, if you are not a TPLF slave, hate and go after G7 just like your master-Bereket? It is beyond me. You don’t even have any clue how to see priorities in contradiction. You are a totally clueless slave. Do you have any gray matter in your brain? I don’t think so. Why don’t you just drive a truck? Or work at McDonalds? Surprise! Surprise! McDonalds is hiring! You look like you are retarded. The opposition does not need people like you. The only one that can use you is TPLF and it is doing just that by joining hands with TPLF in relentlessly going after G7.

    Let me tell you one fact. I am not a blind supporter of G7. I may have my own problems with G7. But Dr. Berhanu and all G7 members are ours. We have a way to handle our own. And I am smart enough to not to mess with G7 that is going after my enemy and the killer of my people. I will say more power to G7 while you and your TPLF spies are shooting at G7.

    You think I like every body in the opposition? No. But I don’t say anything. You know why? I don’t have time to shoot on my own while I am going after my Number One Enemy-TPLF! I am not that stupid like you.

    Listen, what if G7 takes money from Egypt. Your now dead boss was working with Egypt, Somalia, and Shabiya. He even had a Somali ID. Why is it OK for your TPLF bosses to work with these forces and not for G7?

    The other thing is if you choose the peaceful way, that is your choice. Go ahead and do it. Join UDJ and the blue party. Why are you sitting here and bothering G7? G7 or anybody else for that matter has every right to choose their method of struggle as you do. So why the fuck are you making a big bone about it? You are so clueless, you don’t even know the basic elements of democracy.

    If you have the right to choose how to fight TPLF(I know you are faking it), why can’t G7 have the same right as you do? G7 have not disagreed nor violently opposed to your method of struggle. Who the fuck told you that you have the monopoly on the truth? Are you God or are you the smartest person in opposition politics to judge everybody else and give the final word?

    Go home Slave! Join TPLF in Arat Kilo Palace. It is not working for you and for that TPLF rat working on Awre Amba here in the Diaspora. Go and find your niche. And you know where that is. Arat Kilo!

    You can tell that I am not polite when I deal with the enemy.

  13. 1) Awramba times accuses G7 as a terrorist organization;
    Woyane accuses G7 as a terrorist organization;
    Therefore, Awramba times is woyane.

    2) ” Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” Take that Girma Kassa!

    3) Let me borrow from the famous Israeli spy Eli Cohen who said ” against the Arab you mustn’t defend yourself. You must attack…..” In the same token, G7 mustn’t defend itself for its actions but attack by any means necessary.


    • The audio is true. The half a million dollar story is true. GK made some good points; calling him a weyane is basically a way to hide from answering the question. Wawww Gk may have pissed of G7 and gangs. Guys don’t blame GK. Blame yourself. Your people leaked this audio. Your leaders declared publicly that they failed and brought no result. 2 years back they collected a lot of money from people. Once Ethiopians recognized that they are good for nothing they could not not get money. So finally they end up begging egypt ..this shows that G7 has degenrated. You guys need to face the truth, accept G7’s recommendation and come to the main stream, civilized, peacefull struggle.

      GK, thank you fior this excellent piece as well. I admire your courage and boldness to confront no better than weyane gangs that do not tolerate different ideas. Many good people are silent because they are afriad of being attacked or labeled weyane, hodam ….but you did not. THANK YOU FOR THIS.

  14. Girma you tell us the awramba is doing agood job. doyou know that he say nothing about the TPLF doing on AMHARA etinic every where ask him why?
    do you think people of Ethiopia hate TPLF the way he is coming or the thing he is doing know?

  15. ሰላም በመጀመሪያ ፊደል የቆጠርክ እንደሆነ ታስታውቃለኽ ነገር ግን የማገናዘብ ችሎታህ ግን ከስድስት አመት ልጅ ያነሰ ነው። አቸኩል ገና ለገና ወሬ አገኘው ብለህ አታራግብ። እስቲ በመጨረሻ ኢሳት አሉኝ ያልከውን ደግመህ አንበው፦ ቃለ መጠየቁ ላይ ለኢሳት 200,000 ተሰጥቱዋል ይላል እነሱ ደግሞ ምንም አይነት እርዳታ እንዳልተቀበሉ አንተም አመንካቸው ያ ኢንተርቪው በኢሳት ላይ የተባለው ውሸት እንደሆነ አሳመኑህ። ታዲያ የዶክተር ብርሃኑ የተባለው እውነት ነው ብለህ ለምን አመንክ፧

    ሌላው የውጪ ጉዳይ ሚኒስተሩን (ቴድሮስ ኣድሃንምን) ስትክብ ነበር ምነው ከግብጽ የውጪ ጉዳይ ሚኒስተርጋር ሲያወራ ወይም ሲነጋገር አልተገበገብክ ዶክተር ብርሃኑ ግን ከግብጽ ጋር ተነጋገረ ስለተባለ ተንጨርጨርክ። እንዲዬው ለሬዙሜ ምን አልባት ከ አንድነት ጋር ተቀላቅዬ ወያኔን መማጸኛ ብለህ የጻፍከው ይቅናህ። አንድ ነገር በእርግጠኛነት እንዳንተ አይነቱን ወሽዋሻ አደለም አንድነት የጫሚሶ ቅንጅት በጨው አይቀምስ ህም። ሌላው እኛ እኛ የምትለው እነማን ናችው? ሌላ ሰው አትቀላቅል እራስ ህን ከሌላ አትቀላቅል እራስ ህን ቻል

  16. Who is Girma Kassa?

    I have seen his picture some where. Why does he make himself much more important to Ethiopian poltics than, say, me, you or anybody else. From his article I read that he has an agenda similar to most of the Neftegna poltical agendas. That outl;ook does not suit the new Ethiopia whether he likes it or not. The issue now is not whether we engage in armed struggle or not. His agenda is to bring back the old version of Ethiopian poltics wrapped up in a causy wrap. You will not reach any where. The fact that other liberation fronts have not been able to hold the center of the powere does not mean that their philosophy is wrong or that they do not have followers. Your concern day and night is the success of those same groups that you are not having enough sleep. Dr. Birhanu can get money from any where as did all of you. I know you are a reminant of EPRP. Don’t forget that you were funded by the same group you are against now.

  17. When ever Girma starts shouting loud, there is fear in woyane camp. Stop telling the fairy tale, even if the story is true that Egypt is supporting Birhanu, and by default you are painting him as enemy of Ethiopia? Beware the woyane mouth pieces are activated to dilute the truth. Dr. Birhanu may not call you woyane, but we all know you are a woyane cadree inside the opposition camp. Good luck on your new adventure.

  18. This is a critical time and the organisation like ESHAT will have challenges from the enemy who doesn’t want the freedom of Ethiopia, please do not engage with these people let spare our energy in important matter.

    ESHAT we have a great respect, appreciation and trust.nothing will come between your amazing service and the people of Ethiopia.

    Keep up your good work

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