ፂዮን ዘማርያም (ኢት-ኢኮኖሚ)

አምስት ዓመት ሙሉ ሲያናፋ ሲያናፋ፣
አሻግራችኃለው ብሎ አብቹ ሲያናፋ፣
ከሰማይ ደመና፣ከምድር እህል ውኃ ጠፋ!!!
ፕሮፊሰር አስራት ወልደየስ፣ ፕሮፊሰር መስፍን ወልደማርያም የቃጣጠሉት የነጻነት ትግል እንደ ቆያ እሳት ውስጥ ውስጡን እየፋመና እየተንቀለቀለ የኮነሬል አብይ የኦሮሙማ ዘረኛና ተረኛ ሥርዓትን ከእግር አስከ ራሱ ለብልቦ፣ አቃጥሎ ፈጅቷታል፡፡ ከኦህዴድ ብልጽግና አስር ክፍለጦር፣ የምሁራን አንድ ብዕር!!! የመብረቅ ጋዜጠኞች መረጃ አነፍናፊነት፣ የቌጥኝ ምሁራን የሃገር ፍቅር ትምህርት !!! ወጣቶች ወርካ ፍለጋ፣ እውቀት ፍለጋ እውነት ፍለጋ፣ ነጻነት ፍለጋ ዱር ቤቴ ያሉ የነጻነት ታጋዬች ‹‹የወንድ ልጅ እናት ታጠቂ በገመድ፤ ልጅሽን አሞራ እንጂ አይቀብረውም ዘመድ!!!›› የፋሽስት ጣልያን የግፍ አገዛዝን አሽቀኝጥረው ለመጣል በደረጉት እልህ አስጨራሽ ትግል ብዙ መስዋትነት ከፍለዋል፡፡ ትጥቁንም ቀበቶውንም እናስፈታዋለን ላለ ባንዳ ምርኮኛ ያለመስዋትነት ሌላ አማራጭ የለምና በፅናት ታግለን እርካብና መንበሩን መጨበጥ ብቻ ነው ዋስትናችን!!! የፖለቲካ ስልጣን አንድም ከጠመንጃ አፈሙዝ በአመፅ አንድም ከምርጫ ሳጥን በሠላማዊ ትግል ነው፡፡ ሰውዬው በሠላም አሻግረን ያልነው ቃሉን አጠፈ ‹‹የተናገሩት ከሚጠፋ፣ የወለዱት ይጥፋ ›› ሆነና ውሽት ቁርሳችን፣ ቅጥፈት እራታችን አደረገው፡፡ ለህሊና እስረኞች እንዲፈቱ ታላቅ ዘመቻ በማህበራዊ ሚዲያዎች መክፈት፣ ለስብዓዊ መብት ተሞጋቾች ማሳወቅ፣ በሠላማዊ ሠልፎች ማጋለጥ፣ ለልዩ ልዩ ኢንባሲዎች ማሳወቅ ያስፈልጋል፡፡ ከባህር ማዶ ዜጎች አንድ ግብረ-ኃይል ሊቆቆም ይገባል እንላለን፡፡
አንድ ሃሙስ የቀረውን የኮነሬል አብይ መንግሥትን እንናደው!!!
ኢትዮጵያ በ2022 እኤአ በፕሬስ ነፃነት መለኪያ (Press Freedom index) ከ180 (ከመቶ ሰማንያ) አገሮች 114 (መቶ አስራአራተኛ) የነበረች ሲሆን በ2023 እኤአ ወደ 130 (መቶ ሠላሣኛ) ደረጃ አቆልቁላለች፡፡ The 2022 Press Freedom index ranked Ethiopia 114th out of 180 countries. In 2023 the country was demoted to the rank of 130th out of 180 countries, according to the Index.
የብልፅግና መንግሥት የኮነሬል አብይ አህመድ አንባገነን አገዛዝ የኢንተርኔት እቀባ ያብቃ፡ ኢትዮቴሌኮም ለህብረተሰቡ ኢንተርኔት አገልግሎት ሳይሰጥ የወር ክፍያ ማስከፈል ወንጀል ነው፡፡ የመረጃ ግብር ብዝበዛ ያብቃ እንላለን፡፡!!! በኢትዮጵያ የማህበራዊ ሚዲያዎች(Social-media-icons) እገዳ የፌስቡክ፣ ቲውተር፣ ዩቲዩብ፣ ኢንስታግራም፣ቲክ ቶክ፣ ወዘተ በአንባገነኑ ኮነሬል አብይ አህመድ አፓርታዳዊ አገዛዝ ላለፉት ሁለት ወራት ሃገሪቱን ህዝብ ከአለም አቀፍ የኢንተርኔት ትስስር ከዓለም ህብረተሰብ በመነጠል የህዝብን መብቶች በመጋፋትና ሃሳብን በነጻነት የመግለፅ መብቶችን ባለማክበር ፀረ-ዲሞክራሲያዊ አ “Ethiገዛዙ በመላ ዓለም መጋለጡን፣ የአምኒስቲ ኢንተርናሽናል የምዕራብና ደቡብ አፍሪካ ምክትል ሪጅናል ዴሬክተር ፍሌቪያ ማዋንጎያ አጋልጠዋል፡፡ opian authorities have, for a month now, blocked people in the country from accessing selected social media platforms such as Facebook, Telegram, Tik Tok and YouTube. The authorities thus continue to violate people’s right to freedom of expression, which includes the freedom to seek receive and impart information.
የኢንተርኔት ማቆረጥ በተለይም የሶሽያ ሚዲያ መገኛኛ ዘርፎች የዜጎች መብትን ሃሳብን የመግለፅ ነፃነትን የሚጥስ ሲሆን ዜጎች መረጃ የማግኘት መብታቸውን ተነፍገዋል፡፡ የኢትዮጵያ ሕገ- መንግሥትና ብሔራዊ ህጎች እንዲሁም ክልላዊና አለም ዓቀፋዊ ስምምነቶች ፊርማዎን ያኖረችበትን በጠራራ ፀሐይ ህግ የጣሰች ሃገር መሆኖ ለዓለም ተጋልጦል፡፡ ሃገሪቱ ባደረገችው ተደጋጋሚ የኢንተርኔት እገዳ፣ የሚዲያ ነፃነትን መፃረር ሪከርድ መስበሮን አስመስክራለች፡፡ “Amnesty International urges the Ethiopian authorities to lift this blockade without delay and to end this culture of interfering with people’s right to express themselves and to seek and receive information.”
- ኢትዮጵያ በ2022 እኤአ በፖለቲካ ነፃነት መለኪያ (POLITICAL INDICATOR) ከ180 (ከመቶሰማንያ) አገሮች 112 (መቶ አስራሁለተኛ) የነበረች ሲሆን በ2023 እኤአ ወደ 111 (መቶ አስራአንደኛ) ደረጃ ወርዳለች፡፡
- ኢትዮጵያ በ2022 እኤአ በኢኮኖሚ ነፃነት መለኪያ (ECONOMIC INDICATOR) ከ180 (መቶሰማንያ) አገሮች 176 (መቶ ሰባ ስድስተኛ) የነበረች ሲሆን በ2023 እኤአ ወደ 113 (መቶ አስራሦስተኛ) ደረጃ ወርዳለች፡፡
- ኢትዮጵያ በ2022 እኤአ በሕግ አውጭ ነፃነት መለኪያ (LEGISLATIVE INDICATOR) ከ180 (መቶሰማንያ) አገሮች 99 (ዘጠናዘጠነኛ) የነበረች ሲሆን በ2023 እኤአ ወደ 89 (ሰማንያ ዘጠነኛ) ደረጃ ከፍ ብላለቸ፡፡
- ኢትዮጵያ በ2022 እኤአ በማህበራዊ ጉዳይ ነፃነት መለኪያ (SOCIAL INDICATOR) ከ180 (ከመቶሰማንያ) አገሮች 126 (መቶ ሃያ ስድስተኛ) የነበረች ሲሆን በ2023 እኤአ ወደ 146 (መቶ አርባ ስድስተኛ) ደረጃ ዝቅ ብላለቸ፡፡
- ኢትዮጵያ በ2022 እኤአ በጸጥታና ደህንነት ነፃነት መለኪያ (SECURITY INDICATOR) ከ180 (ከመቶሰማንያ) አገሮች 144 (መቶ አርባ አራተኛ) የነበረች ሲሆን በ2023 እኤአ ወደ 146 (መቶ አርባ ስድስተኛ) ደረጃ ዝቅ ብላለቸ፡፡ ………() ()Ethiopia | RSFEthiopia | RSF ሪፖርተር ዊዝአውት ቦርደር ድረ-ገጽ መረጃውን ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ፡፡
ከፀጥታና ደኅንነት የጋራ ግብረ ኃይል የተሰጠ መግለጫ/April 30, 2023/
በአማራ ክልል ሕገ መንግስታዊ ሥርዓቱን በማፍረስ ክልላዊ ስልጣንን በኃይል ለመያዝ በሀገር ውስጥና በውጭ ሀገራት በህቡዕ ተደራጅተውና ተቀናጅተው በሚንቀሳቀሱ ጽንፈኛ ኃይሎች ላይ የማያዳግም ህጋዊ እርምጃ እየወሰደ መሆኑን የፀጥታና ደኅንነት የጋራ ግብረ-ኃይል ሚያዚያ 20 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም ባወጣው መግለጫ ማስታወቁ ይታወሳል።
- በመሆኑምየጸጥታና ደኅንነት የጋራ ግብረ- ኃይል እየወሰደ ባለው እርምጃ በዚህ ህቡዕ አደረጃጀት ውስጥ ሲንቀሳቀሱና የሽብር ተግባር ሲፈጽሙ የተገኙ 47 ተጠርጣሪዎችን ከበርካታ የነፍስ ወከፍና የቡድን መሣሪያዎች፣ ቦንቦችና ተቀጣጣይ ፈንጂዎች እንዲሁም ከሳተላይት መገናኛ መሣሪያዎች እና የተለያዩ መረጃዎችን ከያዙ ላፕቶፖች ጋር በቁጥጥር ሥር ማዋሉን ለኢፕድ በላከው መግለጫ አመልክቷል።
- የጋራግብረ-ኃይሉ መግለጫ እንዳመለከተው፤ የጽንፈኛ ኃይሎችን የፖለቲካ፣ የወታደራዊ፣ የኢንተለጀንስ፣ የፋይናንስ እና የሚዲያ ክንፍ የሚመራው ዶ/ር ወንድወሰን አሰፋ የተባለ ግለሰብ ሲሆን፤ ይህ ክንፍ በተለያዩ የውጭ ሀገራት ከሚገኙ 16 ጽንፈኛ የዲያስፖራ አባላት ጋር ትስስር በመፍጠር በሚያገኛቸው የሎጀስቲክስ እና የፋይናንስ ድጋፎች በአማራ ክልል ከባህርዳር ከተማ ጀምሮ በሁሉም የክልሉ አካባቢዎች ታጣቂዎችን የመመልመል፣ የማሰልጠን፣ የማስታጠቅና የማሠማራት ተግባር በማከናወን በክልልና በፌደራል ደረጃ ሽብር እና ግድያ እንዲፈጽሙ ተልዕኮ ሲሰጥ እንደነበር በተደረገ ክትትል እና ምርመራ ተደርሶበታል ብሏል መግለጫው።
- ዶ/ርመሥፍን ኃ/ማርያም፣ ዶ/ር ግሩም ላቀውና ሌሎችም በተለያዩ የውጭ ሀገራት የሚኖሩ የጽንፈኛ ኃይሉ ተባባሪዎች ከውጭ ሆነው የፖለቲካ ክንፉን እንደሚያስተባብሩ፤ አንተነህ ብርሃን፣ ወርቁ ጓዴና ሌሎችም ከሀገር ውስጥና ከውጭ የሚላከውን ገንዘብ እንዲቀበሉና ለሽብር ተልዕኮ ማስፈፀሚያ እንዲያውሉ የባንክ አካውንት እንደተከፈተላቸው በክትትልና በተደረገው ምርመራ መረጋገጡን የገለፀው የጋራ ግብረ-ኃይሉ መግለጫ፤ ቴዎድሮስ አስፋውን ጨምሮ ሌሎችም በዚሁ የሽብር እንቅስቃሴ ተጠርጥረው በቁጥጥር ሥር መዋላቸውን መግለጫው አስታውቋል።
News: Ethiopian Security, Intelligence task force detains “covert group” suspected of working to “instigate nation-wide conflict”
Post published:April 4, 2023/ author:ethioexploreradmin
Addis Abeba – The Joint Security and Intelligence Task Force in the capital announced that it has detained several members of “covert group” whom it accused of allegedly attempting to “instigate nation-wide conflict by carrying out assaults targeting senior government officials” in Addis Ababa, Bahirdar, Adama, and Dire Dawa.
The joint task force said the group, which consists of academics, media owners, and activists based in Amhara and other regions as well as Addis Abeba, was found to be operating covertly, according to state media.
Among the detained for their alleged contribution and coordination in the group establishment are Dr. Wendesen Assefa, assistant professor Sisay Awgchew, professor Maeregu Biyabeyn, Dr. Meseret, Worku Tesfaye W. Maryam, Tesfaye Yehualashet Fasil, Solomon Lemeneh Ketema, and Menbere.
The statement indicated that the group was suspected of attempting to rally people on the basis of religion, ethnicity, and political radicalism to ensure that they should rule the country by promoting the idea that the public is currently under extreme government oppression; “They were planning to carry out a violent movement, declaring that they would liberate the populace. They were working to plunge the nation once more into crisis.”
The group has been trying to link and organize university students with the local Amhara population in all areas of the Amhara region, Addis Abeba, and all of the country’s colleges, as well as organizing a military wing and frightening the people by attacking government officials, the statement said.
The joint task force pointed out that it will reinforce the coordinated effort in looking into other suspects who were active in the organization of the group. AS
Source: Link to the Post
List of detained journalists and activists in Ethiopia (2023)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by adding missing items with reliable sources.
Further information: Democratic backsliding in Ethiopia
This is a list of journalists and activists detained in Ethiopia in 2023.[2][3] CPJ[4] reported that in April 2023 alone, 47 human rights organizations made calls on the government of Ethiopia (Abiy Ahmed Ali) to end internet shut downs and digital communications access.
The current Oromo-led[5] Prosperity Party continued its crackdown against ethnic Amhara and related public defenders in 2023. Various arrests of oppositions and media have already been reported since the government came to power in 2018, and condemned by various international groups.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Most of these detentions and arbitrary arrests are reported as part of government crackdowns.[2][13][14] Those still imprisoned prior to 2023 and still detained are also listed in a separately table.
Previous arbitrary arrests by the TPLF-dominated[15] EPRDF parties were criticized for abusing the Anti-terrorism Proclamation (ATP) law to limit freedom of the press, silence voices, and persecute members of perceived opponents.[16][17][18] Similarly, most of the charges imposed against the 2023 detainees by the Prosperity Party regime are also ATP-related.
- United Nations: According to Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights(1966), “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law.”[20]
- Center for Justice and Accountability: “Arbitrary or unlawful detentionoccurs when an individual is arrested and detained by a government without due process and without the legal protections of a fair trial, or when an individual is detained without any legal basis for the deprivation of liberty.”[21]
- International human rights instruments: “Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law.”[22]
- Harvard Law: “UN Human Rights Committee‘s General Comment No. 35 summarizes the treaty body’s interpretation of the right to liberty of person, including protection against arbitrary detention, under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is one of the principal human rights treaties at the global level.”[23]
Amnesty International published a report calling on the government to respect the right to peaceful protest and immediately release detained media staff.[24] The report emphasized that journalists and media workers need to do their work without threat, intimidation and harassment.[25]
Committee to Protect Journalists: Published a series of reports with details of arbitrary arrests of ethnic Amhara journalists and activists, and called for immediate releases.[4][7][14][26]
Ethiopia Human Rights Council: Listed the names of detainees and condemned the mass arrests of media groups and public defenders.[27]
Ethiopian Human Rights Defenders Center (EHRDC): the group called on the Ethiopian government to the immediate release of journalists and to stop the restriction of access to the free flow of information.[28]
These Lists are not complete. In May 2022 alone, at least 4000 Amhara dissidents were arrested by the Abiy Prosperity regime, and their status is unknown.[29][30]
Detained prior to 2023 and still imprisoned | |||||
Name | Region | Position | Date arrested | Status | Description & reference |
ዘመነ ካሴ Zemene Kassie (Patriot) | Bahir Dar, Amhara region | Amhara Public Resistance Force (Fano and Militia), Leader | Since September 21, 2022 | Still imprisoned | Part of “major” crackdown by regional and federal security forces.[31][32][33][34] |
ታዲዬስ ታንቱ Tadios Tantu (~80 year-old-man) | Addis Ababa (originally from Wolayta) | Author, historian, and human rights defender | Since May 5, 2021 (disappeared) | Still imprisoned | Part of crackdown and arbitrary arrest of Human rights defenders. Appeared in court to face charges of terrorism and using force to overthrow the government.[35][36][37] |
Detained in 2023 | |||||
Name | Region | Position | Date arrested | Status | Description & reference |
ጎበዜ ሲሳይ Gobeze Sisay | Unclear | May 6, 2023 | Amhara Voice internet broadcaster, Founder and Journalist | First detention in 2023. Overall, he was arrested at least twice since 2022. | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[38][27][39][40] |
አይንአዲስ ዋለልኝ Aynaddis Walelign | Debre Markos, Amhara region | May 3, 2023 | Activist | Detained | Part of governments’ crackdown and arbitrary arrest of Human rights defenders, and activists.[41] |
መሃመድ ይማም Mohammed Yimam | Hayk, South Wollo, Amhara region | Opposition
leader[42] |
April 30, 2023 | Detained and beaten as of May 11, 2023 | Part of governments’ crackdown and arbitrary arrest of Human rights defenders, and oppositions.[43] |
የቀለብ ስዩም ህፃን ልጅ
Infant of Keleb Seyoum (4-month-old infant) |
Addis Ababa | Infant, child of Keleb Siyoum | April 30, 2023 | Detained with her mother
Contracted infection during detain and released when her mother bailed as of May 3, 2023[44] |
Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara opposition, journalists and activists in 2023.[45][27][46] |
ቀለብ ስዩም
Keleb Seyoum |
Addis Ababa | Opposition officer, Balderas for True Democracy Party | April 30, 2023 | Detained
Released with bail (as of May 3, 2023)[44] |
Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara opposition, journalists and activists in 2023.[47][27][48] |
አምሃ ዳኘው
Ameha Dagnew |
Not specified | Vice President of opposition, Balderas for True Democracy Party | April 18, 2023 | Detained. | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[49][27][39][40] |
ሰናይት አያሌውና ኤሊያስ ደባስ Senayet Ayalew & Elias Debas | Bahir Dar, Amhara region | Ashara media internet broadcaster, Journalist | April 13, 2023 | Released in bail as of April 27, 2023 | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[27] |
ቴድሮስ አስፋው
Tewodros Asfaw |
Addis Ababa | Ethio Selam internet broadcaster | April 13, 2023 Second arrest | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of journalists and activists in 2023 | Accused of inciting violence.[2][50][51][27] |
ዳዊት በጋሻው
Dawit Begashaw |
Bahir Dar, Amhara then transferred[52] to Addis Ababa | Arat Killo YouTube channel, Founder | April 12, 2023 | A freelance journalist | Part of mass arrest of Amhara journalists and activists.[2][50][53][54][27] |
መስከረም አበራ
Meskerem Abera |
Addis Ababa | Ethio Nikat YouTube channel, Founder | April 9, 2023 | Third arrest since 2022. Part of mass arrest of Amhara journalists and activists | Accused of giving alleged “shooting exercise” to informal groups.[2][13][55][56][57][58][50][27] |
አለልኝ ምህረቱ Aleligne Mihretu | Not specified | Defense lawyer, represented
Amhara detainees. Known for representing Colonel Demeke Zewdu,[59] during EPRDF regime. |
April 7, 2023 | Released in bail as of April 25, 2023 | Part of mass arrest of Amhara defenders.[60] |
ገነት አስማማው
Genet Asmamaw |
Addis Ababa | Yeneta (Medlot) YouTube journalist | April 6, 2023 | Abused by Addis Ababa police during arbitrary arrest. Detained | Part of mass arrest of Amhara journalists and activists.[2][50][13][27] |
አባይ ዘውዱ Abay Zewdu | Addis Ababa | Amhara Media Center YouTube channel, | April 6, 2023 | Released in bail as of April 25, 2023 | Accused of inciting violence & unrest.[2][50] |
ወርቁ ተስፋዬ ወልደማርያም
Worku Tesfaye Woldemariam |
Not specified | Activist | April 4, 2023 | Detained | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[27][39][40] |
ሄኖክ አዲሱ
Henok Addisu |
Not specified | Activist | April 4, 2023 | Detained. | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[49][27][39][40] |
ተስፋዬ የኃላእሸት ፋሲል Tesfaye Yehualaeshet Fasil | Not specified | Activist | April 4, 2023 | Detained | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[27][39][40] |
ሰለሞን ልምነህ ከተማ
Solomon Lemenih Ketema |
Not specified | Activist | April 4, 2023 | Detained | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[49][27][39][40] |
Menbere |
Not specified | Activist | April 4, 2023 | Detained | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[27][39][40] |
ዶክተር በቀለ
Dr. Bekele |
Not specified | Activist | April 4, 2023 | Detained | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[27][39][40] |
ዳዊት አባቡ ቢተው
Dawit Ababu Bitew |
Addis Ababa | Activist | April 4, 2023 | Detained | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[27][39][40] |
ታደሰ ወይነው ተሰማ
Tadesse Weyinew Tessema |
Addis Ababa | Activist | April 4, 2023 | Detained | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[27][39][40] |
ሙሉቀን ወንዴ ቢተው Muluken Wonde Bitew | Addis Ababa | Activist | April 4, 2023 | Detained | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[27][39][40] |
ቴዋድሮስ ተሾመ አየነው Tewodros Teshome Ayenew | Addis Ababa | Activist | April 4, 2023 | Detained | Part of crackdown and mass arbitrary arrest of Amhara journalists and activists in 2023.[27][39] |
ሳሙኤል አሰፋ
Samuel Assefa |
Addis Ababa | EMS (Ethiopian Media Services}, Reporter | April 4, 2023 | Detained | For reporting the demolition of residential houses in Addis Ababa.[50][61][62] |
ረዳት ፕሮፊሰር መአረጉ ቢያበይን Maeregu Biyabeyen | Not specified | Assistant professor | April 2023 | Detained | Part of mass arrest of Amhara defenders.[63][49] |
ረዳት ፕሮፊሰር ሲሳይ አውግቸው
Sisay Awgichew |
Not specified | Assistant professor,
and Shewa Peace and Development Association, Leadership[64][65] |
April 2023 | Detained | Part of mass arrest of Amhara defenders.[66][49] |
ረዳት ፕሮፊሰር አሰፋ አዳነ Assefa Adane (Ph.D.) | Not specified | Assistant professor and Negere
Wolkait Media editor |
April 2023 | Detained | Part of mass arrest of Amhara defenders.[67][50] |
አርጋው ሲሳይ
Aragaw Sisay |
Addis Ababa | Roha News (YouTube streaming media), Founder and Editor-in-Chief | March 26, 2023 | Released in bail as of April 25, 2023 | Accused of terrorism and inciting violence on social media.[2][14][68][3] |
ጌትነት አሻግሬ
Getenet Ashagre |
Addis Ababa | Voice of Amhara YouTube-based broadcaster, | March 26, 2023 | Released in bail as of April 25, 2023 | Accused of inciting of violence on social media. Charges not specified.[2][3][14][68][27] |
በየነ ወልዴ
Beyene Wolde |
Addis Ababa | Gurage Media Network news website, Founder and Editor | March 2, 2023 | Still detained as of March 22, 2023 | Accused of terrorism and incitement.[69][27] |
እስክንድር ነጋ | Bahir Dar, Amhara region | Journalist, activist, and founder and former Balderas for True Democracy Party leader | February 24, 2023. In the past 30 years, he was imprisoned numerous times. | Released in February 26 (or 27), 2023 | Charges not specified.[70][71] |
ቴድሮስ አስፋው
Tewodros Asfaw |
Addis Ababa | Ethio Selam internet broadcaster | February 14, 2023 First arrest | Released on bail in February 18, 2023 [72] (RSF reported February 22, 2023)[73] |
Accused of inciting violence and sowing distrust of the government related to the attack against the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.[28][72][73] |
አማኑኤል አስፋው
Amanuel Asfaw |
Addis Ababa | Ethio Selam internet broadcaster | February 14, 2023 | Still in custody as of February 18, 2023 | Accused of inciting violence and sowing distrust of the government related to the attack against the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.[72][73] |
መሠረት ታምሩ
Meseret Tamiru |
Addis Ababa | Ethio Selam internet broadcaster | February 14, 2023 | Still in custody as of February 18, 2023 | Accused of inciting violence and sowing distrust of the government related to the attack against the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.[72][73] |
ዮሴፍ ከተማ
Yosef Ketema (Deacon) |
Addis Ababa | EOTC TV— Oromo language reporter | February 13, 2023 | Released on February 21, 2023 | Accused of terrorism and inciting violence for covering a split related to the attack against the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.[73] |
ስንታየሁ ቸኮል
Sentayehu Chekol |
Addis Ababa | Member of the Balderas opposition party | February 12, 2023 | Released on April 11, 2023 following the mass Amhara protest in the country | Part of the crackdown of members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.[74][73] |
ዳንኤል ተስፋዬ
Daniel Tesfaye |
Addis Ababa | EHRCO‘s human rights officer | January 5, 2023 | Unknown | Arrested for investigating illegal evictions and demolitions in Addis Ababa.[6][75][76][77] |
ብዙአየሁ ወንድሙ
Bezuayehu Wondimu |
Addis Ababa | EHRCO‘s human rights officer | January 5, 2023 | Unknown | Arrested for investigating illegal evictions and demolitions in Addis Ababa.[6][75][77] |
በረከት ዳንኤል
Bereket Daniel |
Addis Ababa | EHRCO‘s human rights officer | January 5, 2023 | Unknown | Arrested for investigating illegal evictions and demolitions in Addis Ababa.[75][76][77] |
ናሆም ሁሴን
Nahom Husen |
Addis Ababa | EHRCO‘s human rights officer | January 5, 2023 | Unknown | Arrested for investigating illegal evictions and demolitions in Addis Ababa.[6][75][76][77] |
ምንጭ( References)
List of detained journalists and activists in Ethiopia (2023) – Wikipedia
- Imprisoned journalists
- Imprisoned journalists in Ethiopia
- 2023 in Ethiopia
- Journalists imprisoned in Ethiopia
- Amnesty International prisoners of conscience held by Ethiopia
- This page was last edited on 11 May 2023, at 14:32 (UTC).
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