February 19, 2016
1 min read

አረጋዊ በርሔ ይናገራሉ – “ሕወሓት የትግራይ ሪፐብሊክን ለመመሥረት አልተነሳም.. የሻዕቢያ ፍጡርም አይደለም” አሉ

ከሕወሓት መስራቾች መካከል አንዱ የሆኑትና በአሁኑ ወቅት በስደት የሚገኙት አቶ አረጋዊ በርሄ ሰሞኑን እየተከበረ ያለውን የሕወሓት 41ኛ ዓመት የምስረታ በዓል ተከትሎ ከአውስትራሊያ ከሚሰራጨው ሲቢኤስ ራድዮ ጋር ባደረጉት ቆይታ “ሕወሓት የትግራይ ሪፐብሊክን ለመመሥረት አልተነሳም.. የሻዕቢያ ፍጡርም አይደለም:: ይህ መታረም አለበት” አሉ:: ቃለምልልሱን ያድምጡት::


  1. I think Ato Aregawi must come clean. Is he saying the manifest is a lie or it does not exist? Or is he telling us Ato Gebremedhin is not telling us the truth? How far is he going to protect his old criminal cadres who are destroying our beloved country? Recently he said TPLF did not make an agreement with Sudan to give the fertile strip of land too. What a shame. As an individual I trust Ato Gebremedhin a true Ethiopian. If they did not plan to create greater Tigry who did they take land from Gonder and Wello? Why did they willingly give Asab to Eritrea against the advice of the foreign advisors thus making Ethiopia land locked? why did they dismantle the well built military and moved most of the equipment to Tigray from Harar, Debre zeite and Holeta? So what he is saying does not make sense at all. Please ask him who created the famous manifesto.

  2. @Tazabe,

    Have you asked what Ato Gebremedhin’s position was in TPLF. Dr. Aregawi is the founder and first commander of TPLF. Can you find better person to know the official position of TPLF than Dr. Aregawi? Your problem is that you want to hear what you wish… the fairy tale that TPLF’s objective was to secede from Ethiopia; and that Shabiya was the one who defeated Derge not Woyane.. You can live in your fantacy world as you wish, but one day you will for sure land on planet earth and accept reality.

    • Zedawit: Please be civil and do not make it personal. Actually you made the issue clear by indicating who he was. You said he was the founder and commander of wayane(TPLF) which means he knew about the manifesto. My dear this is not fantasy but reality. May be you are the one who is floating in the unseen fantasy space. Grow up.

  3. እናንተ ሰዎች አረጋዊ የሚለዉነ እዉነት ነዉ በላቸሁ ሰታውጡ ትንሽ አይስቀጣችሁም? አረጋዊ በርሄ በጣም ጩሉሌ የሆነ የሚናገረዉም ሆነ የሚጽፈዉ በፍጹም ሊታመን የማይገባ የጦር ወንጀለኛ ነዉ። ስለ ህወአት መግለጫም ሆነ ጽሁፍ፤ የቪዲዮ መልእክቱም ጭምር ሊነበብ፤ሊደመጥና ሊታመን በፍጹም አይገባም። ግለ ሰቡ በአዉሮፓ ሀገሮች በሚደረጉት ስብሰባዎች ሁሉ እየተገኘ ወደ ቪኦኤ እየደወለ የስበስባዉን አለማ ፈሩን ለቆ አረጋዊ እንዲሆን በመሰሪ ስራዉ ሲፈታተነን የነበረ ቆቅ ነዉ።፡ታዲያ ሁልጊዜ እንዳላገጠ አይኖርምና አንድ ትንታግ የቀድሞ አየር ሐይል ኢትዮጵያዊ ተግሳጽ ከሰጠዉ በሗላ ድርሽ ማለቱን አቁሟል። ሰዉየዉ አሁን ደግሞ የሌለ ድርጅት ሸንጎ በሚል መጠሪያ ፈጥሮ ያለ አባላት እራሱን ተፈላጊ በማድረግ አንዳንድ ግራ በተጋቡ ሚዲያዎች አማካይነት ፍሬ ከርስኪ መልእክት ሲያስተላለፍ ይደመጣል። አሁን ደግሞ እንደ ወዳጁ ተስፋዬ ገ/አብ ኦሮሞን ለማሞኘት ኦሮሞ ነኝ እያለ ነዉ ሰዉየዉ ግራ ተጋብቷል የፈጸመዉ በደል፤ግፍ/ግድያ እረፍት እየነሳዉ ብቻዉን ማዉራት ከጀመረ ዉሎ አድሯል።
    ለማንኛዉም ይህ ወንጀለኛ የሚያወጣዉን ጽሁፍ ከግምት እንዳታስገቡ በማለት ይህችን አነስተኛ መልእክት ልኪያለሁ። የእሱን መሰሪ ጽሁፍ እንዳወጣችሁ ሁሉ የእኔንም አጭር መልእክት አንባቢ በንጽጽር እንዲያዉ ጊዜ ስጡት።
    ኢትየጵያ በጠላቶቿ መቃብር ዳግም ትገነባለች።

  4. ኣቶ ገብረመድህን፣ መለስ ዜናዊ፣ ስብሃት ነጋ፣ ወዘተ መስራቾች ስላልሆኑ ወያኔ የመሰረቱት እነ ዶ/ር ኣረጋዊ በርሀ፣ ስዮም መስፍን፣ ኣባይ ጸሃየ የመረጃው ተኣማኒነት ኣለው። የፖለቲካው ኣርክቴክት ኣባይ ጸሀየ ከነ መለስ፣ስብሃት፣ ስዮም የመገንጠል ፕሮግራም መጻፋቸው፤ መንግስት ተቆጣጥረውም በኣንቀጽ 39 ኣረጋግጠዋል።
    ምስቅልቁሉን ኣልፈው እነ ደ/ር ኣረጋዊ፣ ደ/ር በያን፣ ኣቶ ሌንጮ፤ መላው ኣማራ ማቅደም ለሁላችን ይጠቅማል እና እናስብበት።

  5. Dr. regawi may have abandoned the tplf long ago, but deep down he is still TPLF, I have heard his numerous speeches and interviews he has remained defensive of the tplf time and time again when it comes to the question of tplf’s genesis, development, ideology and modus operandi in general. In his latest attempt he is trying to tell us that tplf was created for the liberation Ethiopia, how so? why the name tplf in the first place and why ethnic tigreans only as members? remember the other affiliates like the OPDO & ANDM and hence the EPDRF was created late in the struggle, a few years before the tplf came to power, he also claimed that he left the organization because he didn’t believe in secession, but when did he leave the organization my guess is he left the tplf after being with them well over a decade, second why should we trust argawi and not gebremedihn? may be the learned TEGADALAY now a doctor knows how to speak and practice politics? but there are a lot of inconsistencies in his various interviews about his past and the tplf, why is he bending over backwards to defend the tplf now? perhaps he left the organization because of personal disagreement with likes of melese and others, my take is lying is in the tplf’s vein, or aregawi is thinking about his future political life, yes his future political life, if he has any will be in Tigray, in that sense his latest attempt is quite prudent one

  6. “ህወሓት ትግራይን ለመገንጠል አልተመሰረተም, የሻዕቢያ ውላጅም አይደለም” የሚለው አባባል ትክክል ነው! ሌሎችን ነጥቦችን አስመልክቶ ግን ብዙ ልንነታረክ ነው!

    Please people of Woyane,

    „Das Leben kann nur rückwärts verstanden werden-es muss aber vorwärts gelebt werden!“ እንዲለን የኤግዚስተንስያሊስሙስ አባት, ዞረን ኪርከካርድ-Søren Kierkegaard, check your past and try your best for a good future! ይሄ እንግዲህ በሽፍንፍኑ እንዳለ ማለት ነው!

  7. There is no worse than EPRDF so let’s support the oppositions to unite. Thanks to Ato Lench, Dr. Beyan they are trying within Ethipopia and they need our support. At the same time create a system of rule of law that all individuals can pass through. Judging now create nothing unless EPRDF’s tactic; we have to think beyond EPRDF. Despite TPLF and EPLF political difference they united to tackle out the Derg; there were so patient; we don’t have their patient. We have to change confrontation to win win goal.

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ትግሉ ይጥራ – ከጥሩነህ ግርማ

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