April 10, 2022
2 mins read

“እኔ ሰሊጥ ሰርቄ አልመጣሁ፣ የፓርቲ ብር አልዘረፍኩ፣ እንዲዘረፍም አላዘዝኩ ነጻ ነኝ።

  • አሁን አማራ ተብለው በአማራ ኮታ ከገቡት በላይ በረከት ስምዖን እንደውም የበለጠ አማራ ነው። እስኪ አማራ ነን ካሉ ይምጡና ባህርዳር ላይ አማራ ነን ብለው ያስተዳድሩ?
  • “ብልፅግና ሲመሠረት የተስማማንበት በየክልሉ ያሉ አማራዎች የመወከል፣ የመምረጥ እና መመረጥ ጥያቄ ፡ በተግባር ወደ መኖር አለመኖር ጥያቄ ተቀይሯል። “
  • በብልጽግና ጉባኤ ላይ ሁሉም ክልሎች ያስጠቆሙትን ሁሉንም ያሣለፉ ሲሆን አማራ ግን ከተጠቆሙት 55 ሰዎች ውስጥ ከግማሽ በላይ የሆኑት እንዳያልፉ ተደርገዋል። ጭራሽ ከጉባኤ ውጭ 7ሰዎችን ጨመሩ። በጉባኤው ሰርጎ ገቦችን እንመነጥራለን ብለው የአማራ ተወካዮችን መንጥረዋል። ስለዚህ ሰርጎ ገቦቹ አማራዎች ናቸው ማለት ነው።
  • እስከዛሬ በማይታወቅ ኢህጋዊ አካሄድ አንድ ሰው ስድስትና ስምንት ሰዎችን እንዲጠቁም እድል ይሰጠው ነበር። ይሄም ቀድሞ የተሰራ ይመስላል።
  • አሁን ላይ የተመረጡት ያጨበጨቡት ብቻ ናቸው። ያኔ እነ መለስ እነ በረከት በነበሩ ሰአት “አብዮታዊ ዴሞክራሲ ለዚህች አገር አጥፊ ነው” ስል የረገሙኝ ዛሬ የለውጥ መሪ ነን ብለው ከመጣው ጋር እያጨበጨቡ ነው።
  • ያኔ በለውጡ የተስማማንቤቸው የአማራ ህዝብ ጥያቄዎች አንዳቸውም አልተመለሱም፣ ህገ መንግስቱን ጨምሮ።…”


  1. ወዳጄ ያልከው ልክ ቢመስልም ያኔ በስልጣን ላይ እያለህ ለህዝብ ብትቆም መልካም ነበር ከፎቶህ እንደምንረዳው አሳምነውን ለመስደብ ተራ ይዘህ እንደነበር ይታወሳል። ዛሬ አሳምነው በወሰደው ቆራጥ እርምጃ ስሙ ከመቃብር በላይ ውሏል የሞተለት ህዝብም ዘወትር ያስታውሰዋል። በናንተ ግን ይስቃል ትንሽ እድል ካገኘህ ያበላሸኸውን አስተካክል ባጎደልከው ካስ ከጠነከርክ የአሳምነውን ፉለግ ተከተል ያለበለዚያ ከወደቁ በሗላ መንፈራገጥ ይሆንብሀል። አማራው ላይ ባደረሳችሁት በደል ቅጣታችሁን ከኦሮሙማ እየተቀበላችሁ ነው የዚች አለም ነገር ረቂቅ ነች ። አገኘሁ ተሻገርንም ምከረው እድሜ ልኩን ለአማራ የመምቻ ብትር አያቃብል መቼም ለሆዱ ያደረ ይመስላል።

  2. Where were you when innocent citizens in general and the Amharas in particular have been experiencing unbelievably horrible sufferings for the last more than 30 years and more specifically for the last 4 years because of the criminal politic system you idiotically belong to? Where were you during the very illegal and brutally stupid conference of the so called Prosperity Party ? Why did’t you try to make your voice heard at that conference instead of waiting silent and now barking like a cowardice dog simply to fool the people and get very cheap popularity ? I am sorry to say but I have to say that it is the people like yourself who have contributed and keep contributing to prolonging the very sufferings of the people ! Now you are trying to loudly voice your voice as if you are a genuine and courageous cadre of the criminal ruling circle you belong to !Is this not a very cowardice ( boqbuaqa) political personality of yours ? Can you tell us what you were doing when your criminal party has changed itself from the servitude of TPLF to the servitude of OPDO or ILF it the politics of Oromization ? Can you tell us what you did when Abyi Ahmed moved you from one position to another and made you just a political toy that is totally under his dirty political servitude ? You guys , it is time to stop playing your very cheap but extremely hurtful political game or drama in the very name of the Amhara in particular and the Ethiopian people in general ! I have to tell you once agin that an enemy with its clear and straightforward attack is much more easier to fight back than an enemy that causes a lot of harm by playing the political game of deception and betrayal like you !

    Let me sum up my critique by saying that what is desperately needed is to get rid of the very crime infested political system you belong to through a peaceful , well thought, well organized, well coordinated , well aimed , etc civil disobedience ! The politics of talking about very cheap and misleading political personalities of yours and millions of other cadres of the criminal political system is absolutely nonsensical! I have to tell you that if you are truly serious about the untold sufferings of the people for so long because of the very cynical and criminal political system , it is better for you to dismember yourself and join the real fight for real justice and freedom! The rest is a complete political stupidity if not atrocity !
    Good luck !!!

  3. Falks,

    Amharas have no choice other than confederation simply because federation in the Ethiopian context does not work. Why?

    As a polirized multi-ethnic country, Ethiopia will not have a fair and free election without the opression of one or another ethnic group. Hence, democracy is an illusion that cannot be realized. The way Oromo rose to power and now control the entire country through proxy regional governments is the proof. Tigreans did it for the last thirty years and Oromos have stepped in Tigreans shoes to impose similar one ethnic group rule. With their number and size of their region, Oromo opressive rule will be much worse than Tigrean`s. Give another ten years to Oromo rule, Ethiopia will be the tail of the world by all standards of measure.

    So, it is time for Amharas to exercise their constitutional right to self-determnation and vote on confederation. If they adopt conederation, it will give them the opportunity to attract direct foreign investment since confederation will enable them to have economic diplomats and even have embasies abroad cutting the Oromo controlled foreign ministry diverting foreign investment to Oromia and other favoured regions. Amharas can also have a defense force which will protect them from foreign invaders including ethnic Oromo organizations.

    The Belgian model of confederation which appears to hep advance Amhara interests is something to explore.

    In any event, Ethiopia needs vast decentralization resembling confederation since the federalism the country has adopted is notheing other than unitarism in disguise. Controlled from the centre, it has miserably failed to develop the country let alone prosper and ensure safety and security of its citizens. The chaos we see in the country right now has much to do with lack of development (in all sectors) and security. Both have proven beyond the capacity of the federal government to provide.Change of government at federal level is not the answer for these problems.

    Tigreans have floated the idea of confederation, Amharas must follow. Tigreans know that they will not be fairly treated under Oromo rule; as a result, their choice of confederation appears just. Amharas must seize the opportunity to decide their destiny via self-determination as well without wasting another decade under incompetent Oromo rule. Despite all the atrocities they have committed, Tigreans are being heard and embraced by the Oromo rule since Oromos now feel tobe the savours of Ethiopia.

    Falks! Don’`t be fooled!. Oromos pretend to be “savours” only if they rule the entire country as one piece. Like any other ethnic group that aspire to oppress and dominate , they are after resources. If Amharas want to be heard and embraced as Tigreans, they have to go for confederation. If confederation does not work, they have to say good bye to the Ethiopian state.

    It is outdated for Amharas to hang on “mama ethiopia” cry since nobody in the country is interested in it any more. What Amharas got from this cry is atrocotoes, redicule and shame. All these on Amhara because they gave Oromos and other ethnic groups a country which they are not ready and willing to let go. If Amhara Insist on confederation, Oromos might call the army on it to protect the unity of the country! That will make them a laghing stock since they were in the forefront to weaken the unity of the country. Now they cannot be alllowed to reverse gear.

    Amhara! Wake up and smell the coffee. Tell Oromos that you want confederation – if not confederation then separation. Oromo crack down will soften even disappear as it did for Tigreans if Amara opt for confederation. But the idea is not to see Oromo softening on Amhara, it is to seek real confederation as a wayout from decades long quagmire. Oromo softeneing does not take Amharas anywhere.

    Try it! It will work and catapult Amhara development and growth to the sky and ensure their security. It will eventually liberate Oromos too from their bloody distructive path poised to takie everybody else down with them.

    For us, Oromos, conederation is also the answer.

  4. Surprising! Indeed surprising! A piece of advice to the egalitarian Amhara people from one of the financiers and foreign agents of fascist OLF? Do not worry, we will take care of ourselves. Sooner or later, all anti-Amhara elements will get their own dose of medicine.

    • Messert I really sppericiate your courage, in fact now u sent ur message from a distance when a real war broke out commander in chief role is yours.

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ባምንስቲ ላይ መወሰድ ያለበት ቀጣይ እርምጃ

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“መነሻችን እዚህ መዳረሻችን እዚያ” የሚለው የዲያስፖራ ከንቱ አታካራ! – ክፍል ሁለት

በላይነህ አባተ (abatebelai@yahoo.com) በአንዳንድ ስብሰባዎችና የሕዝብ መገናኛ መድረኮች የሚታየው የአንዳንድ ዲያስፖራዎች  “መነሻችን እዚህ መዳረሻችን እዚያ” የበከተ ከንቱ አታካራ በልጅነታችን ወላጆቻችን ትምህርት እንዲሆነን ይተርኩልን የነበረውን ከጫጉላ ወጥተው ጎጆ ለመመስረት የታከቱ ሁለት ያልበሰሉ ባልና ሚስትን ታሪክ

መነሻችን አማራ መድረሻችን አማራ እና ወያኔያዊ መሠረቱ

የማይወጣ እንጀራ ከምጣዱ ያስታውቃል። የዛሬን አያድርገውና የትግሬ ልሂቆች “ትግራይ የጦቢያ መሠረት ናት ።  ጦቢያ ያለ ትግራይ፣ ትግራይ ያለ ጦቢያ ሊታሰቡ አይችሉም” በማለት ጦቢያዊ ከኛ ወዲያ ላሳር እያሉ አለቅጥ ይመጻደቁ፣ ይኩራሩ፣ ይታበዩ ነበር። ወያኔ

አቶ ታዲዮስ ታንቱ በተከሰሱባቸው ወንጀሎች ጥፋተኛ ተባሉ

ለአመታት በእረስር ላይ የሚገኙት  አቶ ታዲዮስ ታንቱ በተከሰሱባቸው የጥላቻ ንግግር ማሰራጨት እና የዕርስ በዕርስ ግጭት መቀስቀስ ወንጀሎች ጥፋተኛ መባላቸው ታውቋል፡፡ አቶ ታዲዮስ ታንቱ በተከሰሱበት ክሶች በዛሬ ቀጠሮ የጥፋተኝነት ፍርድ የሰጠው የፌደራል ከፍተኛ

ከ”ችርቻሮ” ድል አልፎ ለመሄድ የአንድነት አስፈላጊነት – ግርማ ካሳ

በአሁኑ ጊዜ ሁለት የፋኖ አሰላለፎች አሉ:: መኖር ያልነበረበት:: አንከር ሜዲያ ከሁለቱም አሰላለፎች፣ ሁለት ፋኖ መሪዎች ጋር ቃለ ምልልስ አድርጋለች፡፡ ሁለቱን አደመጥኩ፡፡ በሰማሁት ነገር ተደስቻለሁ:: ትልቅ ተስፋ እንድሰንቅም አድርጎኛል:: የአማራ ህዝባዊ ድርጅት የፖለቲካ
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