August 6, 2019
1 min read

በኦሮሞ ምሁር ሚኒልክ ሲገለፁ

በኦሮሞ ምሁር ሚኒልክ ሲገለፁ


  1. Once I heard what the so called historian Taye Bogale was chanting in front of his Amhara ‘god father’ and who brought him up under their control as Habte Giorgis (Qusee Diinagdee)did under Minilik. I don’t think that Oromos have the patience and time to listen to his false narrations under the pre-text of history. He simply wanted to please his bosses by narrating and fabricating false history. Though I don’t know his ethnic background, if he is really an Oromo, he might be the first of his type to denounce Oromo history and appreciating the false history of the Abyssinians. Viva Taye for the service you provided to your bosses. You think that they will appreciate you and reward you for what you did. But your reward is the one that Gobana Dacci and Habte Girgis got from Minilik and Haile Silassie respectively.

  2. This stupid servant of the ex-nefteny tries all what he can to make happy a group with backward mentality. He can keep barking like a mad dog.

    His only mission is to sell his fictional book as historical facts. Last time I saw someone like a slave from Gambela praising that criminal guy. But Menilik is the Hitler of Africa. Period.

  3. ብትጨመቁ የእምዬ ምኒልክ የሚመጥን ስብእና የሌላችሁ ገልቱዎች:: አንበሳው ሚኒልክ አባጅፋር ጂማ የባርያ ንግድ እንዲያቆም ያደርገ ጀግና ነው:: ከጊቤ ወንዝ ማዶ ለማዶ የሚጨራረሰውን ያልሰለጠነ ህዝብ ስርአትን ያስያዘ ጀግና ነው:: የኢትዮጵያ አንበሳ የጥቁር ህዝብ ሁሉ ኩራት ዳግማዊ እምዬ ምኒልክ ስምህ ለዘላለም ይኖራል:: አንተን የሚያሳንሱ ትናንንሽ ጭንቅላቶች የአንተን ገናና ስም ሲሰሙ ያቅበዠብዣቸዋል::

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