ጀግናው ሌተናንት ጄነራል ጃገማ ኬሎ አረፉ

(ዘ-ሐበሻ) “የበጋ መብረቅ” እየተባሉ የሚወደሱት ጀግናው ሌተናንት ጄኔራል ጃገማ ኬሎ በ96ኛ ዓመታቸው አረፉ::

ከሕይወት ታሪካቸው ለመረዳት እንደተቻለው ሌ/ጀ/ጃገማ ኬሎ የተወለዱት በጥር 20 ቀን 1913 ዓ.ም ነው:: ለቤተሰባቸው የመጨረሻ ልጅ ቢሆኑም ከሁሉም ጎበዝ ብርቱ ነበሩና አባታቸው የቤተሰቡ አለቃ አደረጓቸው:: አባታቸው ጃገማ ገና ሳይወለዱ ለወላጅ እናታቸው ‹‹ልጃችንን ስሙን ጃጋማ ብየዋለሁ›› በማለት ነበር ጃገማ ብለው የጠሯቸው:: “ጃገማ” የአባታቸው የፈረስ ስም ሲሆን በኦሮምኛ ሀይለኛ ማለት ነው:: ሌ/ጀ/ ጃገማ እስኪወለዱ ድረስ የፈረሳቸውን ስም የሚሰጡት ሁነኛ ልጅ አላገኙም ነበር::
የኢጣሊያ ጦር የአድዋ ላይ ሽንፈቱን ሊወጣ ጦሩን እጅግ አግዝፎ ከ40 ዓመት ዝግጅት በኋላ በ1928 በድጋሚ ሀገራችንን ወርሮ ህዝብ ሲፈጅ ሀገሩን ሊታደግ ሁሉም በየፊናው ሲራወጥ በ15 ዓመት ዕድሜ የአባታቸውን ጀብድ ሊደግሙ በዱር ዘምተው ጠላትን አርበድብደዋል። በዚህም “የበጋ መብረቅ” የሚል የጀግና መጠሪያ ተሰጥቷቸዋል::

ሌ/ጀኔራል ጃገማ ኬሎ በአጼ ኃይለስላሴ ዘመን ከነበሩት ሌ/ጀኔራሎች መካከል በህይወት የሚገኙት ብቸኛው ጀኔራል ሲሆኑ አንድ ወንድና አምስት ሴት ልጆች፣ አምስት የልጅ ልጆችና አራት የልጅ ልጅ ልጆችን እንዳፈሩ ስለሳቸው የተጻፉ ታሪኮች ያስረዳሉ::

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ:  በሀገሪቱ ሕግ መሠረት የሚፈቱ ጉዳዮች


  1. Jagema Kello is also considered a war criminal who took the lead against the Bale resistance. He may have (actually some claim definitely did) play in the treason he committed against General Tadesse Biru and his comrades. It is not appropriate to disparage the deceased, but let’s not make him an angel because he has also committed some dastardly acts.

  2. @Mulugeta Andargie,Tagashu

    Eski ahun yemoten sew nefis yimar maletu yiqelal woyes mezertetu? Hager zertetachew, Hizib zertaetchew, Haymanot Zertatachew, Negestat zertatachew, Arbegnochn Zertetachew, and yerba neger enkua qumenletal lemtlut Ye Ormomo hizib satfetru, tilachan awrsachew yaw enantem yemayqerewn ye mot tsewa tgatuatalachew! New ke mote behuala Ye jemerecachewtn Ye Biher Poletica litgefubet asebachewal? Eski meche new Fikir ena selam yemtsebkut, hule elqit, qim, beqel, chkanie,bilawa mesal, merzachun metfat! Yet hager new hager ande sihon yale tornet yetkahedew? ye German unification, Ye Talian Unification, Ye Feresay, weyes Ye America? New weyes enezihn hagerat kristos woys Nebiyu Mohammed weys ye “Wako Guttu movement” new yawahaduachew?Eski enante ewntim le Oromo hizib yeqomachew ke hone Gichtin ena yemayabra tornet wusit endigeba merzachnun baltefachut neber. Be Oromo hizib Deme atqeldu, Le Oromo hizib tebeqa lemoqome Oromo mehon ayashawum, Ye Oromo hizib yegnam demachn new. ye Oromo hizib, ke Eritrea, ke debub sudan ena ke Somalia temrual! Somalia erse berse yemibalut ye ande biher ena ye ande haymanot amagnoch nachew! Enate Tornetn Keyboard lay endemtsefut mezeu qelal aydelem! silezih ye Ormon hizib leqeq tidarachun tebeq, argu sileracsachew mistoch ena lijoch asbu, mejemria enesun be qitu astedadru!!!!

  3. @Mulugeta Andargie, @Tagashu
    Minalbat simachew tesastobachu endayhon? “General Samora Yenus” meslewachw yihone ende? be 1 qen ke 500 meto belay Nitsuhan Oromowochn be Snipper Tutachewn, Chinqlatachewn, ena Angetachewn be qechin ye silk tizaz yasqoretut ena yasfeletut meslewachuh yihon? Alsemachum ende? Enhima ekuo Jegnaw “Ye Begaw mebreq” yetekeberu General Jagema Kello nachew Talianen be Oromogna Wuha temagne yasegnu jegna. Midre ye Talian Firfari leqamina , Enqulal Afrach, Banda binchacha, Jegnaw endew yaw Jegna new, yawum Ye Begaw Mebreq, Atawqum endie kindu endemiadeq!

  4. We lost one true Ethiopian hero-Ethiopia and jegna atach: Nebsun yimar, le betesbochu metsnanat emegnalehu!
    Mulugeta= Muludeha(brain washed) and Tagashu= Tenakashu(mad dog)

  5. Ki Ki Ki,
    I didn’t disparage Jagema Kello— all I did was tell the other side of the story. He was not an angel, he was criminal too. If you don’t like it go to hell. The problem you shallow minded minions have is that you only want to tell the good side of history. No, you are not allowed to do that. He showed treachery by taking a stand with a group of his comrades and alerting the Derg Junta to send the army and murder them. Go tell it to the woman who lost her son to his treachery. Look both ways before you cross dimwits.

    • you are wayane banda you are not oromo he save his country from invaders you are animals all others Ethiopian are proud of him. he is hero and handsome Ethiopian son. who love his county. unity is power full do not disunite people. do not make us the stadium of Western.

      people should understand there many tplf agents who are employed to do their dirty job to disunity Ethiopians

      He didn’t watched when his people are being massacred by fascist banda. like you simply watching when tplf massacaring our people why don’t you fight tplf instead of talking this you dirty job.

  6. @Tagashu, @Mlugeta Andargie
    Degnetu Ye Americanochu Abrham Lincoln, George Washington, Ye Germenu Otoman Bismark, ena Ye Talianu Garibaldi Ethiopiawi alemehonachew bejachew? Yehene enseum Kibur General Jageman yezeretete kifu menfes(tesadabi,beqelegna enda yehaset abate)enesunim yizeretetu neber! tadia fetari lenesu tarikin betefetsemebet gizie ena mikniat yemidagnu zegochin talelachew! ere lemohonu Talianoch General Grazianin jegnachin bilew Hawelit endaqomulet alsemahim? Tadia minew Ye Grazianin yalteneka ye chikane tarik altereklin? be Addis Ababa bicha be 1 qen ke 30000 belay Ethiopiawian siechefechef fashistu talian minew enante le ewnet ye qomachihut ye tarik muhranoch alastemarachunem? be antsaru yan gifegna talian arbedbduo kager ye abareren jegna tizeretitalachew!” Ke 30000 belay lemihonu ye Adiis Ababa newariwoch Kibur General Jagema “dem melash” enji “dem afsash” aydelum, enqulchlich!!! The truth is just like a lion, you don’t have to defend it, let it loose, it will defend itself ” be jegnaw mot tesaleqachew aydel, dirownis Banda wolduot Banda kasadegew min litebeq!

  7. @tagashu
    “Shallow minded”, amiruachew sefi yehontuma ke firiachew yitawoqalu, fikir enji tilachan aysebkum; yiqirbaynetin enji qim Beqelin aynezum, sewoch siwodesu ena simesegenu sisemu bewstachew baderew qenategna ena kifu menfes yetenesa, joruachewn yakalu! Egziabher Amlak Asteway libona Le hulachinim yadlen!

  8. General Gegama was hero for all Ethiopian people. he was there for Ethiopia the time in need he didn’t abandoned Ethiopian when she called him he answered her call and protected her from invaders. Thank you for your excellency service for Ethiopian people.

    you will be remember for generation to come.

    you deserve our respect! thank you!

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