June 14, 2013
1 min read

ገብረኪዳን ደስታ በትግርኛ “አጼ ምኒልክን ለሸዋ እንጂ ለኢትዮጵያ አልቆሙም ነበር” በሚል በጻፉት መጽሐፍ ላይ የሕዝብ አስተያየት ይፈለጋል

Menelik II ethiopia

መምህር ገብረኪዳን ደስታ በትግርኛ በጻፉት ባለ533 ገጽ መጽሐፍ የአጼ ዮሐንስን ታሪክ ከፍ አድርገው፤ የአጼ ምኒልክን ታሪክ በሚያንኳስ መልኩ ማቅረባቸውን በርከት ያሉ ታዛቢዎች እየተቃወሙ መሆኑን ለዘ-ሐበሻ እየገለጹ ነው። መምህሩ በቪኦኤ ላይ ቀርበው በድፍረት ወይም እኔ የማውቀውን ታሪክ ነው የምጽፈው በሚል “ምኒልክ የሸዋ እንጂ የኢትዮጵያ አመለካከት አልነበራቸውም” እንዲሁም ‘ምኒልክ ሰሜኑን የኢትዮጵያ ክፍል ሃገሩ አድርጎ አይመለከትም ነበር’ ሲሉ መናገራቸው አነጋጋሪ ሆኗል። ይህን ተከትሎ ሃገር ወዳዱ ዶ/ር ሹመት ሲሳይ ምላሽ ሰጥተዋቸዋል። የዘ-ሐበሻ አንባቢዎች በቪኦኤ ላይ የቀረበውን የመምህር ገብረኪዳን ደስታን አስተያየት እና የዶ/ር ሹመት ሲሳይን ምላሽ አድምጠው አስተያየት እንዲሰጡ ተጋብዘዋል። ቃለ ምልልሱ እንደሚከተለው ተሰተናግዷል።


  1. shame on him, he is Tigrie that is why? Minilik is the hero of all Ethiopians, Adwa is a wittness.

  2. Dr. Shimute is very irrational. He says we to have one, one language, one religion, one culture?. Why Dr. Shimute could not admit Menelick sold Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and even signed away even Nile. He signed he will not stop the Nile. Dr. Shimute, why you defend Menelick in this way? Dr. Shimute, you have no respect for Gebrekidan; you tell us you are have broad outlook? but Gebrekidan is narrow? Ethiopians scholars asfriwoch, because they are trivialist. Dr. Shimute telling Aite Gebrekidan is narrow because he is from Tigrai? he has to be from showa? Aite Gebrekidan is saying the history of Ethiopia has to be the history of all the people in Ethiopia. He is telling us now. That is narrow; how is he narrow? because he said the history of the country must be mosaic. I studied Ethiopian history. I learnt nothing about anyone except about amhara rulers only. About oromo I learnt only they came from Galan river. No one even know where Galan river is ? Shame on Dr. Shimute, you are not good. Did Aite Gebrekidan say the Ethiopian history has to be only of the Tigreans? He is our history has to be mosaic and includes the history of everyone in the country. You are saying no; that is create conflict? I can not understand you man. Do not the Gurages have history/? The oromos? The somalians? The Tigreans? the wolaitas? the afars? is it only showa history.

    You tell us everything is right but everything the person says is wrong. Oh my God, Dr. Shimute, this embarrassing. We need new generation who are open minded and who give to others chances to discover themselves. Aite Gebrekidan is saying his history has been deleted and others was not even considered at all. you are saying no? Shame on you

    • Gezaee, you better write in Amharic. live English for those smart Amhara people. but the problem even if you know how to wright Amharic I don’t think you a brain. you sound thick head.

      • I did not know english is for amhara? I speak your langauge; but you do not speak my langauge? I must actually using amharic because you are pushing not to do anything with you. you are denkoros; smart amhara? is it not amhara leaders who shocked the entire humanity by subjecting the entire Ethiopia to mass starvation? your history of filled shame; but you never see it; ignorant.

        • you are born racist and narcissit but you accuse other people; take the log from your eyes and then you can take the speck from other people eyes. I guess you are Shabia; I do not think there is such stupid amhaara in Ethiopia?

  3. Anyway, we need to move out from Menelick time. He made us suffer by selling our land and by printing his finger everywhere where he saw paper. Check out how many signatures he has signed. How long did he rule? did he ever fought any war apart from Adwa? nothing, if he was patriotic Ethiopian why he did not fight the Italian even later to drive them from Eritrea? He never did any rebel because he comfortable after printing his figners everywhere. What annoys me is not Menelicks misdeeds but people like Dr. Shimute who fabricate defense mechanism to defend their dead king. If this the case, everyone has to do the same; because there is no objectivity. Education never change attitude.

    • haha ha ahhhh the history tells us Amhara people is the royal you guys whats up with you ppl accept the fact.

    • Advocates of Minilik, the butcher, are all Amharigna speakers and those confused as a result of identity crises. The best example is Aster Badhaanee/Bedhane, who prefer to be on the side of her mother disregarding her father. These types of people filled with identity crises have nothing of their own than praising the wrong doers like Minilik because he is the one who brought the different independent people of the south including Oromo and from the north Tigraians, Qimant, Agaw, Waito, etc. What the writer of the book says is right because Minilik’s followers and fighters were Menze farmers and priests who played pivotal role in subjugating the various independent people of today’s Ethiopia. He himself and his neftegan followers killed mutilated organs of the colonized people. The war his neftegan armed men waged on Oromo, Kambata, Walaitta, Hadiya, Gamo, Gimira, Dawaro, Somali, Affar, Sidama etc, was so catastrophic and Minilik amassed money from the sale of defeated people in form of salve. The money he got from the sale of colonized people was used fpr purchase of ammunitions with which he abled to crack down the innocent indigenous people. Following the defeat of the indigenous people his neftegnas were annexing lands from the local people with which these nefetegnas later enriched themselves and abled to educate their children that currently barking from abroad like a mad man. So, Minilk was more of his Menze (Shewa) farmers and armed militia than to Oromo Tigre, Walaitta, Sidama, Somali, Hadiya, Kambata, Gamo, Shinasha,Gumuz, etc. Had Minilik stood for the other Ethiopians, why was he highly involved in selling the captives into slavery to Arabs and Europeans in exchange for arms? Why was he and his lackeys mutilate arms and breasts of innocent Oromos in Annole and massacred Oromos and Hararis in Chalako? Advocates of Minilik intentionally want to confuse others who don’t clearly understand the crimes he and his followers committed on the Ethiopian people including his signing of the Wachale agreement with Italians to persuade Italian to be on his side, which finally turned to him resulting in the war that the people of Ethiopian fought after forceful deployment of the farmers without any preparation. He himself and his Menze priests and farmers were in a church while his subject people fought heroically and won the war. Minilik was appreciated for the war he didn’t personally involved in simply he was ” the king” of Shewa. By Shewa I mean the Amarigan speaking area as the other parts of the current shew has neve called themselves as Shewan. The Oromos call themselves as Tulama Oromo, the Gurages as Gurage, the kambata, Hadiya, etc have their own names. So,Shewa doesn’t represent the area that is known as Shewa now. The expansion of Shewa came with Minilik’s conquest.

  4. The funny part is the guy begins his hatred from saying”Antu” for Atse Yohannes.”Ante” for Atse Menelik.Hatred in the blood

  5. yesew lij limot sil ewnet ynageral eniji enidih yale werada tihuf metaf yasafral honem kere yaw meliktu ygebanal D/r shumet sisay edme ysitilgn byalehu

  6. For Mr Gebre kidan, Minilik is Devil and Yohannes is Saint. This is not how to write history- he is rather the Tigray Tigrign ethnocentrist advocator. He can write what he want for his 3 million Tigray ppl. The rest of Ethiopian weighs what Minilik and Yohannes did good and bad for their country.
    God bless Ethiopians!

  7. King Minlik was a king who has African vision leave alone Ethiopian. He has done proud history. No one can take that proud. That proud is ADWa victory. Any number of falk pages can be written. But Minilik was Minilik and is Minilik. He was born ahead of his time. You should not expect from sons and grand sons of “bandas:” real Ethiopianism rather, Tigre, Oromo, Amhara etc like their master Facissists.

  8. Do we really need to comment on whatever ethnocentric tergaians say or write?? Does it deserve attention?? I think our muslim brothers can say a lot about Yohaness. He can’t defeat Derbush let alone Italy. He was paving the way for the British to war against Tewodros. Yes, Tewodros might have bean dead wrong bit weyane was dead wrong the way it handles shabias issue and its war but no Ethiopian stand by the side of shabia because unlike tegrians we know what internal opposition and external enemy mean. Banda zeregna hula.

  9. TIGRIANS out there to defame real Ethiopians and Ethiopian heros who made the whole AFRICA. Tigray people and their elites are knowen for spreading lies just to create hatred among people that is the people of TIgray see their compatriots as ther ardent enemies. YOhNnes destroyed Gojjam persecuted thousands yet the people of Gojjam do not see him or Tigrians as enemies yet Tigrians see Ethiopians as their nemesis

  10. መጽሐፉ የተጻፈው ከሌላው ጉዳይ ለማዘናጋት ነው። መሪና ዓላማ የሌለውን ሕዝብ ለማንጫጫት ነው። ወቅቱን ጠብቆ ይህን መሳይ ሥራ እየተሠራ ነው። የመለስ ሕይወት ታሪክ አንድ ምሳሌ ነው። መምህር ገብረኪዳን መቸ ነው ታሪክ ጸሐፊ የሆኑት? በብቃተቸው ነው?

    • Adwa not only the vcitory of Ethiopia.Tigray.Adwa victory of all Africa..and Africans
      When Atse Yohannes/ tigre/ defeated two times the Egypte inviders…worarioch
      the Victory of Ate Yohannes not ethiopian Victory…gude fella

  11. The ethno-fascist woyanes have allocated huge resources trying to discredit Ethiopian history and to feed their lies and fabrications to the tigre people. They are distributing literature showing the size of tigre region 3 times the size it is now.

    Tigre people liberation front say that Ethiopia is only 100 years old. They denigrate everything Ethiopian starting from the Ethiopian flag, which the dead fascist zenawi ‘satanawi’ labelled as a piece of rag.
    TPLF say ”what has wolayta to do with Axum”. , ”what has Gonder to do with adigrat”. It is from the stand point of such views they write their stories.

  12. Distorting and under mining the history of our great leaders ,hero and heroine for propaganda and political end was/and continue to be the main task of the anti-Ethiopian forces of the woyane likes .What ato Gebrekidans so called book could not be considered as history book.It is a collection of the woyanes usual rant and propaganda ploy emanated from inferiority complex. Be that as it may ,i strongly feel the topic is not a timely one .We have lots of burning issues and tasks before us. But did not understand why such topic is raised at this critical historical juncture?. I presume it is the work of Woyane and its insiders in VOA.
    intended to employ diversionary tactic.As to me we will have surplus time in future to set the records straight.For now we have to focus on ways and means of choking the woyanes off the political scene once and for all.in order to save our Ethiopia from being divided into petty states with the hands of the woyane greedy thugs .No opportune time than today to confront aggressively these divisive elements of fascist brain child. We have profound responsibilities as genuine Ethiopians to work towards repealing the woyanes subtly crafted poisonous false propaganda aimed at exploiting the national sentiments for its evil and divisive political end.

  13. Distorting and under mining the history of our great leaders ,hero and heroine for propaganda and political end was/and continue to be the main task of the anti-Ethiopian forces of the woyane likes .What ato Gebrekidans so called book could not be considered as history book.It is a collection of the woyanes usual rant and propaganda ploy emanated from inferiority complex. Be that as it may ,i strongly feel the topic is not a timely one .We have lots of burning issues and tasks before us. But did not understand why such topic is raised at this critical historical juncture?. I presume it is the work of Woyane and its insiders in VOA.
    intended to employ diversionary tactic.As to me we will have surplus time in future to set the records straight.For now we have to focus on ways and means of choking the woyanes off the political scene once and for all.in order to save our Ethiopia from being divided into petty states with the hands of the woyane greedy thugs .No opportune time than today to confront aggressively these divisive elements of fascist brain child. We have profound responsibilities as genuine Ethiopians to work towards repealing the woyanes subtly crafted poisonous false propaganda aimed at exploiting the national sentiments for its evil and divisive political end. We have to be cautious not to fall into woyanes trap .

  14. A teacher cannot be a historian. This G/kidan is an old dude who wants fame at the end of his life. Yohannes was a traitor, he assissted the British to invade Ethiopia and attack Tewodros. At elast Menelik didn’t do that. This time around, the Tigre Agames are really getting mad, they write many GIGO.

  15. Is Mr. Desta trying to tell us that TPLF represents the whole Ethiopia? We know what is going on in our country today. Have you visited the Ethiopian Embassy in America? Do you see diversity there? Tplf represnts one region only, kilil one. the fact that you call your kilil # 1 tells us who you are. You tplfites destort facts to suit your lies. Minilik was not only represnted Ethiopia but also the whole Africa. He was the ultimate Tikur Sew. King yohannes is our King also exept that he led the Great Britain to Mekdela while Minilik led Ethiopians to Adwa to kick facsist Etalians rare.

  16. This issue should be left for historians. When people are blinded by hate (nationalism) they can’t be logical or reasonable. Some of us are not here to learn but to teach (no matter how ignorant we are.)So, this kind of discussion is harmful and useless.

  17. For me both memiher Gebrekidan and Dr shumete are ye diro sirat nafakiwoch.
    But some of the points memiher Gebrekidan raised are realy interesting, i like it.
    Ethiopia has many different version of its history, ethiopian history in oromian perspective, ethiopia history in Amharan perspective , ethiopian history based on Tigrain perspective and so on. What we heard is Amhara and Tigray arguing about there history. All of us should respect each version of it!! End of story.
    God Bless Ethiopia!!

  18. Guys, if you can reasons out, give reasons; otherwise, bashing Tigreans will not do anything good. you have been saying all these for 21 years. It did not get you anywhere. I have to be honest, I detest ethnic discourse. But you are ethnicists and racists. I do not see anyone bashing Amhara or oromo or anybody here. Except you guys. You need to stop your rustic, barbaric, primitive racist remarks here. The man did not say anything wrong. He gave reasons. Reject or accept it by giving reasons and refuting it. Do not talk about his ethnic. Comment on him only. Putting 7 million Tigreans in one black box is wrong. It is like blaminng and putting 23 million amhara into one black box because of Meneliick? would it be right to do that? None of you are grown up from the way I see. Aite Gebrekidan stateed that Ethiopian history must include the history of all the people in the country. He did not say anything than that. Is Ethiopia amhara? amharic? amhara history? He is telling you deleted other people history and you made it only yours? I cannot change you ; but you have very primitive attitude. I do not know whom you call Ethiopia, if Tigreans are not Ethiopian? Whether you agree or not, Menelick divided Tigreans into to rule Ethiopia with no rivals. He sold half Tigreans to Italy only for 5000 guns. He sold Djbiouti for 500 guns. He printed his finger not to use the Nile. He was selling Oromos to middle east . There survivors of Oromo slaves who are living witnessse. You system was aparthied sytstem where people were not allowed to practice and develop their cutlrure , langauge, values. Everyone forced to speak amharic only. Dr. Shimute is saying we have to be one by speaking only one laugauge amharic? who said people can not be united while they are using their culture and langauge? this is ideology of few chauvinists amhara elites. But I understand you anyway. Even the white South Africans believed their aparthied was good. I understand your attitude is superiority complex. you are created all these ethnics rebels, tplf, olf, onlf, eplf, … because you oppressed everyone. You kept Ethiopia in darkness for 100 years; In 100 years you build only one university for 80 million people. You reduced the country to nuts and made it the poor of the poorest in the world. Ethiopians are now known dying people, poor people because of your system. Guys, believe it or not, you atttitude is primitive and belongs to the old system. Not to the 21 century. you have to respect everyone as yourself. No one is going to allow to discriminate anymore. You need to learn from where you live. We are tired of stupidity. Insulting the entire Tigreans is not politics. If there is something wrong done by a Tigreans ruler, where is it? show it? Menelick was sitting in his house when Egypt destroying Gonder, and controlling Gojam. He gave his head to save your asses. But you are ungrateful. Is there any agreement signed by a Tigrean leader? if so? which one? tell us? you king so called Menelick printed his fingers everywhere he found paper? why are you insulting Tigreans to defend the bad things done by him? be rational, you do not have right to bash people because you do not like them? Aite Gebrekidan is not allowed to write history? why not? who said history can be written by an amhara? most of your rustic and primitive and that is the reasons Ethiopian is poor.

    About woyane:It is true woyane has done many policies against the countries interest which includes landlocking Ethiopia. But now Woyane is doing well. What are you going to do now? everything is going well. Woyanes has built 33 universities in 22 years and you only built one university in 100 years and ashamed Ethiopia in the world. Woyanes saved many lives by proving food needed in time before people die. your king Haileslassie was burying his dog with 14 million dollar expense while 2 million people were perishing in Wollo and 1 milion on Tigrai. you deleted other people history. You destroyed other people cutlures. Please be civilized and stop your racism. I do not know where you live, but racism or ethnicism is not allowed anywhere. If there is a problem in Ethiopia, you created them yourselve by discriminating people the way you doing it here. you pushing people aaway. Barbaric , primitive , racsit. You think we have obligationt to absorb your hate, racism, ehtnicism ? who allowed you discriminate?

    • Gezaee,

      Please COOL down and be rational, OKay. You started writing by complaining how people bad opinion the Tigrees. It goes well with in 2 lines only to find you back to your ugly and ethnic rethoric. There is a nice saying in Amharic “TATBO CHIKA”. When translated it means “You wash your dirty laundry with soup to get it clean but it comes out with more dirt than ever before”. That is where you find your self by now. In my opinion people are judging Weyannes (please exclude all the beneficiaries that may or may not include you) by what they promised when they rushed to Arat Kilo 22 years ago. Weyannes promised democracy, and equality in all aspects of life for all Ethiopian people, but they did the opposite. They became milionnaires, wealthy peeeeople out of nothing, “literally nothing!” (Is it the result of hard work and intellegence? or resourcefulness? No reasonable creature would believe that) On top of that they controlled every thing that is moving and not moving in that country. They preached hateful propoganda against their percieved enemy Amharas. They tried very hard to create animosity between Amharas and Oromos and it failed miserably. That give them a huge concern and existential discomfort. Don’t ask me where all these anxieties come from. I guess, Weyanne’s hate propaganda has backfired and obviously coming to haunt them back. I don’t know how it is going to end. You and me can do one thing, for sure. Prayer for a better and peaceful Ethiopia. Suspicious! Physical science tells : For any action there is always an opposite reaction.

      • Tazabi, trust me if you visit Ethiopian website you end up in chika? kkk,; our people are backward all of them. Whether it is Amhara or tigrie. They are all same. None of them accept truth. All of them wanted only to be followed. Specially, Amhara and Tigreans, you have deprived peace to other Ethiopians to be honest. You are the only who is fighting online; I do not see the rest of Ethiopians. Something must be done to tame the wild of amhara and Tigreans. Something is wrong with you both of you.

        You bashing each other. Specially the few chauvinists amhara never take a flash back of their own history and they wanted Woyane to clean their mess in 20 years? Actually woyane is not able to fix the mess few elite amahra rulers created. There is no country that is being built by hatred. No where, you need to change your primitive attitude. Only my way will never work. you have to recognize and respect other people. All people wanted to be respected and recognized. No one is allowed to insult. There is no an ethnic that is permitted to dominate others.

    • Gezae,
      Here you come again with your rare, matured comment. I thank you for this. Tseba site!

  19. wow, I really am impressed by the way Dr Shumet Sisay explained our history. He explained it from a neutral position without trying to side with anyone.

    Dr Sisay, we need historians like you.

  20. G/Kidane Desat .. is another mouth of the TPLF lie machine. we don’t need to wast a second on his rubbish staff. not born for truth but antiEthiopian propagganda. trush your paper . u don’t know menilke and u better stop trushing ouw history.

  21. I think Gebrekidan is a simple minded tigre that do not represent any one except the tplf mercenary bandas that are on the verge of collapse, as a result, subhuman like gebrekidan is trying to salvage them by equating the crime of the tplf with other Ethiopian hero leaders. Guadenga-Fillega. What Gebrekidan wrote is simply a reption of the woyane 17 years of revision of history. Gebrekidan says : my witiness is the people of tigray and at the same time he said he wrote the Ethiopian history without adding the view and facts of other Ethiopian. Any way, aste Yohanness is an Ethiopian king and hero who sacrifice defending Ethiopia. He is our hero today and forever. But I m increasingly come to the conclusion that to live with tigre as one Ethiopia citizen is remote and must end and tigre has to separate from Ethiopia and live their own life they choose. The recent none tigre Ethiopian survey suggest that 87% are agreed not to live with tigre as one citizen of a country.

    • Yes Belachewu, I think it is time to say a dirt is a dirt. Like you, I don’t see any future with Tigres. It would be good if they go. For that matter, even other nationalities can go leaving Addis and the rest of Amara. It is now time to bring this thing to conclusion. When brotehrs don’t agree to live together after the death of their parents, the soultion was always to go their own way. That brings respect. So, I am asking our 3 million Tigre brothers to go. That was their intention 21 years ago, and I don’t understand why they are still there trying to initiate a water war with Egypt. If they go, the good 30 million Amara people could spend their time and energy on something useful and could create a very healthy and wealthy Ethiopia.

  22. Leo,

    If I were you I woudn’t dare write my opinion in English in this forum. You need to go back to the drawing board.

  23. Gezaee,

    I stand with you if you could extend the apartheid theme to the current government as well. Yes, Amharas built a system of governerance that established Amhara hegemony on the rest of the Ethiopian people. This was effected through war (Amhara’s call conveniently call it expansion) in which tens of thousands of people were killed just over a hundred years ago. They then created, in collusion with wetern Europenas, a present day map of Ethiopia. They appointed Amhara representatives to administer the regions for the central government. That is a history that we are living with. Since we cannot do much about that part of history, we have the detrmination and the means to undo what Menelik imposed on us. The problem is the Tigreans are doing the same as what Amharas did. They are expropriating the land and giving it away to foreigners or to Tigreans who have gotten advantage of a Tigrean government. They have established Tigrean administrative structure that serves the central authority. We are not to be fooled with the slogan of nations and nationalisties. Even farmers know what the TPLF means. Is there a way out? No one would have thought that the Tigreans would do this. How wrong we were to trust them.

    • Dear Molla,

      I really appreciate your civility. I am not defending the current system. I was just trying to tell the few chauvinists amharas to see what they did to the country.

      Dear Molla: It is cause and effect. As you know all the ethnic rebels like TPLF, EPLF, OLF, ONLF,…they came to exist in response to oppression, suppression, repression, discrimination of all the ethnics in Ethiopia. All the ethnics were not recognized at all. You know Tigreans were denied their langauge, culture to use and develop. they were called even Yewef Qunqa tenagari\woch? They even considered themselves white and call other people shankla, baria, and Oromo gala, Gurage Kuli, … that was the system we had.

      Woyane was inspired by ethnic discrimination and ethnic ideology. They were not driven by pure ideas and that ended doing ethnic politics. It is not their fault. Imagine they were teenages, Meles was only 19 years old. Imagine all the immaurity come. I agree many bad policies like landlocking Ethiopia by force and giving away land to Arabs. I agree; but the problem is not woyane. It is this few chauvinists amaras who do not even represent amharas who are dividing people because they wanted it all for themselves. They do not recognize anyone; Ethiopia means amhara only. Ethiopian means amharic only. Ethiopian amhara culture only. This is what I am not agree with them. They have no ideoogy except hatred. Because woyane kicked them from power and they hate woyane too much and they are venting their anger on Tigreans. Like all political manipulation, TPLF took 17 years to win Tigreans hearts. Woyanes worst enemy was not derg, but the people of Tigrai who were supporting derg until Hawazin massacre.

      In general I agree with you; the system is not good; but that is the by product of the previous regimes due to the fact woyane was created in response to that. They spend time how they can destroy the one ethnic denomination and they came up with ethnic federalism. I believe there are many other better way of removing ethnic dominance without ethnic politics. But that is what woyanes figure out. Now we need to sit down and discuss with civility and work out a better system and be altenatives to EPRDF. That is the only way to make Ethiopia a better place for every Ethiopian. Bashing, cursing, demonizing Tigreans or anyone will not solve the age old problem. Why are woyanes expected to solve 100 years mess? The county was messed up almost the entire Ethiopian population assimilated to be amhara the same as south Africa. In south Africa; All the people were forced to learn and use Afrikkaans like people were forced to learn Amharic only in Ethiopia. But Dr. Shimuye is telling us amharic and amhara denomination was forced to unite people and to make them strong. Shame on him that he thinks for people to unite they destroy their cultures and langauges to adopt somebody’s else cutluree and langauge?

      This is unfair. Now Aite Gebrekidan is saying Ethiopia is mosaic which is made of many ethnics and he is saying Ethiopian history must include the history of all the ethnics in the counntry. What is wrong with this? they are calling all sort of name? This is old way of thinking by few chauvinists. We can not change these people. The only solution is for young Ethiopians to come together and form a new ideological ground work that can reform our country peaceful. We do not need to kill each other anymore. We need to sit down and recognize each and make sure no one is left out and that way we can help our people. Otherwise, you telling me Woyane is banda, but you yourself court with Egypt as brand new banda does not make any patriotic.

  24. I rather not talk about Traitor.We dont need to dig out who Minilik was except we never herd of The battle of Adawa.Let the world speak remember what former south african president Tabo Embeki said it in his speech at the Addis Abeba University when he was awarded Doctorate degree.He mention Minilik Twice how hero he was ofcourse Meles the vampire was not happy.Whether we like it or not the only black leader who defeat The white supremacy in 20.century was only Minilik period.We better fight for our freedom from the invaders TPLF:What it matters is only to get rid of these Bandas once and for all.Pretty soon we will witness the fall of TPLF because TPLF has stolen billions of dollars while the people are living in absolute poverty.People are not afraid any more in the country thanks to semayawi party and we have heroes who are fight with arms as well.Time is in our side we have to forget what these nonsense traitor write or speaks about the Nile Dam or history.Remember even they have destroyed our religion both Christian or Moslem.Made us landlocked therefore don’t bother for Kiletam Bands and think about those who are dying and languishing in the TPLF prison.They have 100%,military,100%political and 80%of the countries economy but what makes me happy is the people have had it and they are so minority as the same time therefore they cant continue to hold power.Ethiopia will be free and with humanity before ethnicity there will be freedom and we will achieve what ever we want.God bless ethiopia and stoop write about this Banda please.Death for TPLF and Hodams.

  25. The problem is the top leaders of weyane are not Ethiopians. What they care is prolonging their power. They don’t care what it mean for tegray people after they gone let alone the rest of Ethiopians. tegreyans shall wake up and speak out against those mad people who are trading in their name and stop defending them.

  26. A. Who is Emperor Yohaness?

    1. He was brought up by Emperor Tewodross and he continued some of Tewodross’s policies

    2. Emperor Yohaness was more advocate of Amharaization(one langauge, one culture, one religion). He indirectly discouraged Tigrigna and was rather trying to make Tigreans speak Amharic all in all.

    3. He served as banditry to British and he(with other regional lords) collaborated with British against Emperor Tewodross.

    4. He defeated Egyptians

    5. He died in a war with Mahdists

    B. who is Emperor Menelik?

    1. He was for sometime brought up by Emperor Tewodross and continued some of the policies of Emperor Tewodross
    2. He defeated Italians at Adwa and that became source of black dignity and pride and the reason for the establishment of OAU/AU in Addis Ababa

    3. He gave us our current flag

    4. He established Neftegna Gebar system in the benefit of the war lords and Ethiopian Orthodox Church

    C. who is Gebrekidan Desta
    1. he is not a historian and does not know how to write history. He is TPLFs cadre fake historian. so what he writes shall not be given attention as it is politics and rubbish.

    2. He does not understand that had Emperor Yohaness continued to rule longer, Tigrigna language would have been the another Gafat Language. but he tries to boast of Emperor Yohaness as the latter is the only Emperor from Tigre in Ethiopian history.

    3. Gebrekidan shares the common disease of TPLF, inferiority complex. so what he wrote is expected.

  27. Tigre people liberation front has not even changed its name, how can it represent Ethiopians?. It is an ethno-centric fascist organisation carrying on its back the dream of creating a tigre republic. It is by choice that they call themselves Tigre p liberation front. Are they are still in a liberation war? when is this liberation war going to end.

    They tell us that ”axum has nothing to do with sidama, mekele has nothing to do with shewa” etc etc trying to tell us that they have nothing to do with the rest of Ethiopia.

    If you have nothing to do with Ethiopia why bother wasting your time writing about Ethiopia.

  28. dear editor
    the victory of Adwa not for Tigrae /Ethiopia/ you said— Tegrae not at that time Ethiopia land.now Tigray they are not ethiopians-?–wae melas—

  29. No need of media coverage for this kind of underestimated villageized thought. The so called teacher gmedhn plz back to ur thinking and watch ur mouse. What ever u said and write we don’t care bcs we have a stable psychological stand that we are built through time.

  30. This Mr. G.Kidan trying to write a history book from a collection of interview from his neighbors and Tplf gangsters is a flop. It is driven with hate nit with academics or historical truth seeking.
    One can notice his hate in his speech when he calls Atse Minilik as “ante/esu” and Atse Yohannes as “esachew”. Just like Meles Zenawi who always tried to belittel the works of King Minilik.
    Another paid “historian” to get his pension. The likes of Bisrat Amare.

  31. Why VOA Amharic interview about a book in Tigrigna? It is TPLF style of Tigray superiority propoganda.

  32. I am in Europe. I had a class of Pan Africanism and the role of Ethiopia. The Western still wishes that Minilik and the Victory he led would not exist at all. I never felt proud like this. History is the witness. We might have had regional fights as it was the norms of the days like in Mesafint history but you should always remeber that the knowledge about Minilik or the role of the then leaders is beyond your narrow view which is intoxicated with your late hero who betrayed Ethiopia in every sense. The disgrace with the current leaders or historians like you is the inability to embrace the dignity our forfathers entrusted us. Th e fight they had within themselves was not to divide the coutry in a racist way as you did but to power which is quite normal for their days. Lemangnawm I envite you to read history with a different eye!

  33. Thank you habesha, just to add a few;


    Forced our Muslim brothers to convert .

    Lost Mesewa through the Hiwot treaty with the British
    by fighting our African brothers, the mohadist, who
    were fighting for their freedom. Finaly lost his life
    due to this problem .Also the cause for
    Itly to be deployed as a Wach dog in Mesewa
    by the British.


    Modernize Eth. through Education, transprtation
    Banking, telephone, hotel …….

  34. you are stupid idiot agame a tribal narrow minded . if minilik was for showa alone he should have not been calling the whole Ethiopian to protect the souvrgnity of the country . anybody can make mistake but we are the one who are living today, we need to learn from any past mistake and keep our country as we all want to see

  35. Gezae do you really think that you owe the moral capacity to call some one civilized the word that you can in no where find by woyanne vocabulary book? Having said that the advisor of the former Ethiopian butcher Zenawi Asres all the way from the jungle who in his tiny historical knowledge trashes Ethiopian history
    like that of the alcholiker Sebhat nega and other woyanne gugmangugs like that of (Terara yanketeket tewled ) KKKK a name given for short pant woyanne militia
    after arriving Addis with the blessing of C.I.A which would had never happend to cross tekeze had it not been the C.I.A 17 years spy work with some known Ethiopians like Kifle wodajo and the security chief of the derg era.These are all the issues what we have llearned from woyanne lies lies and lies which in a way turned the country to bannana republic only with fassade again 40 billion from the woyanne enablers as a donor that turns a blind eye for the day time robbery
    as their guy loots 3 billion and creating mony more in an overnight millionar as long as he keeps their interest by sacrifaicing Ethiopian lives which continues till the day to day by British DFID which is busy in derstrying the country by the name of development what i assure you is that would never happen on the watch of 80 million which stands guard for their mother land .As to the so called Memhir G/kidan he is an old lier that deserves respond from any one as he has only fabricated history for his likes as every cadre that yo can say it is debook not a book.

  36. Gezaee,

    You are trying hard to defend the TPLF system (The gangster, Mafia group). You failed miserably, because you the TPLF fanatics. That tells every thing who you. Period.

    I would advise you to not to follow the the path of hatred mentality the deseased MELES went through in his entire life. Infected by the uncurable mental diease called “Hatred against all” and specially against Amharas, his brain diease has been exasperated by his mental diease, he was fragile all the time, despite the fact that he was the only powerful person in Ethiopia, we witnessed his demise in a very fast forward motion. I don’t wish you to be filled with hatred mentality. Get rid off it.

    Secondly, it is absolutly ridiculous, to compare the Weyane (TPLF) system, which promised EQUALITY and DEMOCRACY to all peoples of Ethiopia, with the former monarchy system, which never promised democracy. Kings behave like Kings. The people of that kingdom were always the subjects and servants of that kingdom (It is in accordance with their rule of law by which they govern their subjects), So, there is no exception for Ethiopian emperors whether Emperor Ezana, Naod, Nebledingel, Tewodros, Yohanees, Minilik, Hailesilassie, the rule has always been the same. Guided by the events at their time they did what ever they thought was just and was the right thing to do. Who are we then to judge their deeds in their kingdom? As we learn from history most of them paid the price with their life. Because you are filled with hatred, you would think am talking trash history. Fact is we have to accept history as history and learn from it to build the better future for the next generation. When you reject the past altogether, you will loose the springboard to sprint into the the future.

    Regarding with the people of Tigree, We always had high respect for the region and its residents as it is a sacred place for keeping the longest kept secret in human history. However, misguided children of TPLF are biting like a rabid dog and seem to be trying to erode it. We are seeing these symptoms all over the place. Is it healthy? If your answer is no, we all need to find a medicine for it.

  37. እግዚአብሔር በጊዜው ለኢትዮጵያ የሰጣት
    ምርጥ የዘመኑ ሰው የአንኮበሩ ወጣት
    የባንዳን አርበኛ አይቀጡ የቀጣት
    ምኒሊክ ብቻ ነው ቢጠራ አንድ ቅንጣት።
    ኒኮላይ ቢተረክ ቢጠራ አልቤርቶኒ
    ልምድ ያለው ጀኔራል እንደ ግራዚያኒ
    ክልል አልፎ መጥቶ ድንበርን ተሻግሮ
    የሰው ሀገር ይዞ ሊኖር ተንቀባሮ
    ባህሩን ተሻግሮ ከባንዳ ጋር አብሮ
    ንግስናን ለማግኘት የጀግና ሀገር ወሮ
    ዳህላክን አቋርጦ ለመጣው ጠላት
    ጠመንጃውን ይዞ ዘምቶ እስካለበት
    ላገሩ የሰራ የነጮቹ ጌታ የኛ ተምሳሌት
    ትንቢትና ታሪክ የሚወራለት
    ነገደ ባንዳዎች የሰገዱለት
    ውነተኛው ጀግና እምዬ ምኒልክ የሀበሻ ኩራት!!!

  38. If it wasn’t for ETHIOPIA why is that then he went up to Adwa to fight Italians even though your province is rocky and dry ” KOSHSHA BALEGE TEFRAM BANDA”

  39. Thank you Dr. Shumet. I agree with your thought of the ancient Ethiopian history. This rascal Weyane cadre G/Kidan Desta is still distorting our history. After Weyane took the Menilik Palace, G/kidan was writing about Menilik of Shoa based on hatred and aggressive mood to insult the Amara People. The book explains how Weyane dislikes Menilik and the innocent Amara People as well as how Menilik was the first enemy of the Tigray People. The aim of his book was to get good praise by Weyane leaders like the tyrant Meles and others. I will not enter into farther clarification of his distorted book because Getachew Reda has written a well response to his liar book. Now also Weyane has given him to write about Atse Yohannes. I’m very wonderful how Weyane becomes the supporter of Atse Yohannes. Because as I know before Weyane used to call Atse Yohannes as the Amara feadal or Neftegna. Since, this system doesn’t bring a result to make hatred sentiment among the Tigray and Amara people, now the none historian G/Kidan is trying to write a history based on hatred to bring great enmities on both people. It’s a distorted history may be created by the bandas to create havoc on the real history of Ethiopia as Dr. Shumet said it. As we know power rival was common among the past Emperors but was done systematically. In order to lessen their difference a marriage of a Son or a Daughter to one another was a good tool but there was no hatred or enmity at all. This fake story of G/kidan is produced by himself and his narrow mind.

  40. Gebrekidan is a poor victim of inferiority complex. Let him write a book and we use the pages to wrap the beleche tchat. Kikikikikikiki….

  41. አንተ ባንዳ የባንዳ ልጅ ።ከቻልክ ጣሊያን ሀገር ሂደህ ሸንት ቤታቸውን አፀዳላቸወ።አንተ ወራዳ ።አንተን ብሎ ደራሲ።

  42. This Tplf man he is not a history writer he is simple hater, he could not do anything to our hero leders we proud of them and Africa proud of them too. they are hero and let give a chance to world to speak about our proud hero . this ignorant Tplf man is a doormant and a supper idiot teacher. seriously sham on him. I would like to say to Ethiopian ignor ignorant a person like G/kidan Desta. do not even give attiontion to this Idiot G/kidan Desta because he can not do anything rather lie and embaress himself , history never die and world well know them Who was Ast Menlike, Ast Tewodros, and so on. but banda is banda never expect anything good from TPLf DOGS.

  43. In ethiopian history it is imposible to defend Emperor Menilik. For some he is wise, farsighted and so on,,, but for the very majority ethiopians Menilik is a traitor, coward, and teribily anti the will of the ethiopian people. Evidence vividly demontrates that Menilik had compromised the territorial integrity of ethiopia. The wichalle agreement he signed that gave land and people to a colonial power was reprehensible in which never happened before and will never happen for ever.

  44. የአቶ ገብረኪዳን ትረካ የትግራይ ትግርኝ ታሪክ የሚባል ነገር ለመፍጠር የተደረገ ጥረት ነው። የኢትዮጵያን ታሪክ ለመጻፍ ቢሆን ኖሮ የተነሱት ሁሉም የቅርብ ጊዜ ነገሥታት የሠሯቸውን መልካምም ሆነ መጥፎ ነገሮች በገለልተኝነት ለመተረክ ነው መሞከር የነበረባቸው።

    ዶክተር ሹመት የሰጡት አስተያየት በዚህ በኩል ሚዛናዊ ይመስለኛል።

    በሌላ በኩል ግን ምኒሊክ የሸዋ ሰው ስለሆኑ እንደ ሰሜን ነገሥታት ለባህር በራችን በአካልም፣ በመንፈስም ቅርብ አልነበሩም። ስለዚህ ኤርትራም ጅቡቲም ላይ ቸልተኝነት አሳይተዋል የሚለው የሰሞኑ ትንታኔ በተወሰነ ደረጃ አሳማኝ ሊሆን ይችላል እላለሁ።

    የምፈራው ግን ያለፉ ነገሥታትን ማወደስም ሆነ መንቀፍ ለዛሬ የፖለቲካ አቋም ምርኩዝ ሆኖ ሲመጣ ነው። አቶ ገብረ ኪዳን የዚህ ችግር ሰለባ የሆኑ ይመስለኛል። “የትምክህተኞች ሴራ…” የሚለው መጽሐፋቸው በዚህ ቅኝት የሚዘምር ነው።

  45. Bravo kebrekidan u tried to correct the history wrote by servants of minilik which was destorted in favor of the king, another thanks to gezae who clearly told for those who can understand. the victory of adwa is of people of ethiopias not meniliks

  46. tigire malet enkuan diro zendirom lenech mesiged yewodal! anten belo tsehafi,abatocheh banda endeneberu alinegeruhim???

  47. መምህሩን ,ድገፋችሁ ወይም ተቃውማችሁ የጻፋችሁ ሁሉ ሲጀመር ደደቦች ናችሁ, እንዴት የዛሬ መቶ አመት የተደረገ ያለፈ ትዕይን አንስታችሁ ትከራከራላችሁ? እንኩዋን በሚኒሊክ እና በዮሐንስ የርቅ ዘመን የኖረ ሰው ይቅር እና በአንድ ትውልድ ርቀት የሚለያይ ሰው አስተሳሰቡ ይለያያል። አጼ ምንሊክ እና አጼ ዮሐንስ በኖሩበት ዘመን ጊዜ እና ዘመኑ በፈቀደላቸው አጋጣሚ ማድረግ ያለባቸውን ነገር ከውነው አልፈዋል, ታዲያ ዛሪ ላይ ሆኖ መሰዳደብ እና መከራከር በዛሪ ሰው አስተሳሰብ እየመዘኑ መፈላሰፍ ድንቁርና ነው።

  48. weyane cadre he is not a teacher /intellectual he is propagandist he hates amhara people and ethiopian history he praises weyane we dont have to discuss waste time from this ignorant guy

  49. በዉነቱ ገ/ኪዳን ደስታ በጻፈዉ ላይ አስተያት ስጡ ማለት እራሱ ጠነኛ አቀራረብ አልነበረም። ገ/ኪዳን ደስታ በእዉቀት የተጎዳ የህወአት ትግሬ ነዉ። ገ/ኪዳን ታሪክን ለመመርመር አቅሙና እዉቀቱ የለዉም በዚህ ላይ ጥላቻዉ ተደርቦበት ነጩን ጥቁር የሚል ለህሊና ያልተገዛ ጸሀፊ ነኝ ባይ ነዉ:።

    ጎበዝ አብዛኛዉን ስለታሪካችን ከጠላቶቻችን ጥልያኖች የተገኘ ነዉ ነገር ግን ጸሀፊዎቹ የታሪክን መስፈርትና አውነታን ተከትለዉ ሰለሚጽፉ ጽሁፋቸዉ የታመነና የተከበረ ነዉ ገ/ኪዳን ደስታ ግን ለዚህ የታደለ ሰዉ አይደለም ስለዚህ ገ/ኪዳን ደስታን ታሪክ ጸሀፊ አድርጋቸሁ አስተያየት ስጡበት እያላችሁን ሰዉየዉንም ከፍ አታድርጉት ጊዚያችንም አታባክኑት።
    መጽሀፉንም ተከታይ ወጣት ትግሬዎችን ያደንዝዝበት አላማዉም ይኸዉ ነዉ መጭዉ የትግሬ ወጣት ገ/ኪዳን ጽፎታል ብሎ ከመጭዉ ትዉልድ ጋር ይነታረክበት በድንቁርናዉ ተከታዩን የትግሬ ትዉልድ በሀሰት ላይ እንዲቆም አድርጎታል ትዉልዱም መሳቂያ ይሆናል።

  50. This gay made mistake by criticizing Menelik . Menelik was Sympathetic king. He was all loving person to Ethiopian. But We read that Johannes was killer like those present killers, such as Woyane and OLF. It is not forgetable what Yohannes did on Wollo Muslims.

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July 24, 2024 ዓለማቀፍ ትብብር ለኢትዮጵያዊያን መብት Global alliance for the Rights of Ethiopians (GARE) በደቡብ ኢትዮጵያ ክልል ገዜ ጎፋ ወረዳ ኬንቾ ሳቻ ጎዝዲ ቀበሌ በደረሰው የመሬት መንሸራተት የብዙ ወገኖቻችንን ህይዎት ማለፉን
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