May 23, 2013
1 min read

በጎንደር ህዝቡ ደፍሮ በአደባባይ ተቃውሞውን አሰማ (VIDEO)



  1. It is such a shame that there is no single ‘opposition party’ to organise and lead the people for political change. The rotten ethnic apartheid system planted by Tigre people liberation front is the root cause of the problem exposing the people to unemployment, hunger, desperation.

    This demonstartion in Gonder shows that the people are ready to rise up and do something about the suffering they have to endure. The people are ahead of the so called political opposition. They are crying out for change, the living conditions are becoming intolerable. who is to organise and lead them?
    Semayawi party has done a lot in the short period it has been in existence, than the opposition led by merrara gudina and beyene petros in the last 25 years.

  2. Not all the Gonder residents have participated in demonstration ,only two fearless kebele residents took to the street and expressed their anger . It is a good begining ..

  3. Matty, you are right. There is no leader. people need leaders who are smart and able to organize. and most of the people are not aware. Have you heard a certain farmer from metema saying ” we are on the verge of war with the government.” This is a big message for the opposition but no any opposition. sorry!!!!!!!!!

  4. Yes ethiopians stand up dont let others dance on ur life say no to evil doers no to woyane who forbid to talk who forbid to demonstrate when they do evil . say no for tribal federalism which driven amharas from west gojjam !!! Down with tribal federalism we arenot animals in bale zoo leave the ppl free from backward policy which is called divide and rule !!! viva gonder amhara we are with u we love u derom yejegnaw yetewoderos lijoch stand up all amharas oromos welayta gurage hamar kenbata hadya and all tribes be like the son of jacob one and fight these sold out woyane who work for outsiders than ethiopians .

    • Gondar is not only a place for Amhar. it is the original place of Qemant people. You know it very well. why you ashamed of calling Qemant while you call kembata where they are no around. You seem against divide and rule but you are still provocating the supermacy of Amhara. Long live federalism that reduce and breaks the backbone of Amhara hegemony

  5. Gondar is not only a place for Amhar. it is the original place of Qemant people. You know it very well. why you ashamed of calling Qemant while you call kembata where they are no around. You seem against divide and rule but you are still provocating the supermacy of Amhara. Long live federalism that reduce and breaks the backbone of Amhara hegemony

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