“በመጀመርያ ይንቁሃል፣ ቀጥለው ይዘልፉሃል፣ ከዚያም ይፋለሙሃል፣ በመጨረሻም ትረታቸዋለህ::” “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win” ማህተማ ጋንዲ (Mahatma Gandhi) ይንቁ የነበር እየተሳለቁ፣ ንቀታቸው ሲናቅ ስለሚጨነቁ እንደሚመቱበት
ክልፍ ሶስት “The worst type of tribalism is groups aligned to destroy other groups, such as through ethnic cleansing and genocide. We have heard the word tribalism used a lot today in