ከማን.ዩናይትድ ጋር የተያያዙ 10 አነጋጋሪ የወሲብ ቅሌቶች
የሪያን ጊግስን ወሲባዊ ቅሌት የሚጠቁሙ መረጃዎች በተከታታይነት በመውጣት ላይ ናቸው፡፡ ከአንድ ሳምንት በፊት በብሪታኒያ ፓርላማ ውስጥ የመነጋገሪያ ርዕስ ለመሆን የቻለው ኢሞጋን ቶማስ ጋር ፈፅሟል
"ሚስቴን የአንተን ሲዲ ሰጥቻት፤ ልኬላት ነው የተጋባነው ሲሉ አንድ ሁለት ሶስት ሰዎች ነግረውኛል" ገረመው አሰፋ
የዛሬውን እንግዳችንን ድምጻዊ ገረመው አሰፋን ለእናንተ ለአንባቢያን ማስተዋወቁ ለቀባሪው ማርዳት ስለሆነብኝ አልሞክረውም፡፡ ምክንያቱም ሁሌም አይሰለቼ የሆኑት ዘፈኖቹ ስለ ድምፃዊው ብዙ ብለዋልና፡፡ በተለያየ የሙያ ዘርፍ
Meles Zenawi’s VOA blacklist unveiled
Secret document reveals regime’s intolerance to critical views By Abebe Gellaw In Ethiopia freedom of expression was declared 20 years ago, when the military
Somali Refugees Fill UN Camp in Ethiopia Within One Month
A refugee camp opened on the Somalia-Ethiopia border at the end of June is already full, forcing the United Nations to build another one,
Ethiopian Man wins $238,000 in Virginia Pick 4 Lottery
onas says the winnings will help put his sons through college. (Photo: Virginia Lottery) When the children of an Alexandria restaurant owner graduate from
ቢዮንሴ በአዲሱ ክሊፗ እስክስታ ኮረጀች
የR&B ሙዚቃ አብዮተኛዋ ድምጻዊት ቢዮንሴ ጁላይ 4 በለቀቀችው “Run the World (Girls)” በተሰኘው አዲስ የሙዚቃ ቪድዮ (ክሊፕ) የኢትዮጵያን ባህላዊ ዳንስ (እስክስታ) ወስዳ ሰራች። በ2007
25,000 housemaids from Ethiopia has been delayed
JEDDAH – The arrival of about 25,000 housemaids from Ethiopia has been delayed because of a shortage of flights from Addis Ababa, a senior
Millions at risk of cholera in Ethiopia, WHO warns
(Reuters) GENEVA — Five million people are at risk of cholera in drought-hit Ethiopia, where acute watery diarrhea has broken out in crowded, unsanitary