August 4, 2013
1 min read

ኮፈሌ የጦር አውድማ መሰለች

ኮፈሌ ውጥረት ነግሷል። ጋዜጠኛ ሳዲቅ አህመድ በድምጽ ያሰናዳውን ዘገባ ለዘ-ሐበሻ አድርሶናል – እንደሚከተለው አስተናግደነዋል።
[jwplayer mediaid=”5904″]


  1. Zehabesha:

    How do you know that this report is true ???? I think before you post such piece you need to investigate of the veracity of the truth. Otherwise you will loose you credibililiy. No mosques were destroyed in Ethiopia. This was a lie ….in fact it was the jihadist who burned churches in Jimma and Ashendao. PLEASE BE CAREFUL FOR RELIGION IS VERY SENSITIVE

  2. We know you woyane kadres are paid to comment and ridicule the truth on Ethiopians.Any human can’t support massacre ,the Ethiopian government is killing innocents ,if anyone says since they are Muslims the killing is justified.Believe me this guy doesn’t love his people and his country Ethiopia.It is high time to stand together against the tyrant and apartheid regime of Ethiopia.
    People will win!

  3. how do we know this is true? where is the proof? we all know that the ethiopia government is a killer but this message looks fabricated by extremist. but you need to be careful because every one knows you as representer on ESAT news recently

  4. How long is ETV will conintue to spew it pack of lies. Can you immagine, in one way it says the Ethiopian flag was riped and torn apart and on the other hand it says it was burnt. Shame on a nation that is based on a pack of lies

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