May 29, 2013
1 min read

ይድረስ ለዶ/ር ፍቅሬ ቶለሳ ጂግሳ፦ “ዘመድ መስላ ቀርባ አሞራ ዶሮ በላች”

ያጀማል (B.B)

ሰሞኑን ለአንዱ የኦዲኤፍ አመራር አባል ብለው የጻፉትን ደብዳቤ በአንድ ድረ-ገጽ (ዘ-ሐበሻ) ላይ ለማንበብ እድል ገጥሞኝ ነበር። ደብዳቤውፕ የተላከለት ባለቤት ቢኖረውም የደብዳቤው ይዘት ግን በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይ ያነጣጠረ በመሆኑ እንደ አንድ የኦሮሞ ታጋይና ብሄረተኛ ምላሽ ልሰትዎት ተገድጄ ብእሬን አነሳሁ።
(ሙሉውን በPDF ለማንበብ እዚህ ይጫኑ)


  1. Dr. Fikre gave delusional Habeshas a nice bone to chew by pushing Ethiopian history back to 4,000 years. I think Dr. Fikre, as historian, should have first studied conditions under which he adopted the name “Fikre” if he is the son and grandson of Tolossa and Gigsa respectively.

    My message for the Habeshas: Please, don’t listen to Dr. Fikre and his likes.

  2. Dr. Fikre Tolesa has given a blow to the damn falsified fabrications of lies by those confused little mind creatures. They start to panic and write with purely boiled blood and emotions. hahahahahha. Look the above papers.
    There is no any single evidence presented to critically denounce what Dr. Fikre Tolosa’s found but he just showed us his deep frustrations and hate filled empty mind.
    Thanks, Dr. Fikre, you are our icon and epitome of Humanity and truth. You put things in black and white with time sequences and full evidence. We wholeheartedly believe in them because it is the only truth.

    They were denied everything and told us Oromo never ruled Ethiopia and Ethiopia has a 100 years country. Thanks to you and time….Dr. Beyan admitted that Mengistu is an Oromo. Surprisingly the above cheap talk holder fully admitted that we the Wolloyans were the ruler of Wello, Gonder, Gojjam and Tigre. This is what Dr. Fikre explained with full historical chronosequence that proved we all are Ethiopians.

    What we proved currently is that those cheap talk holders are narrow minded, confused little soul racists. Hate is a cancer and you little souls are suffering from it since the 1960s.
    The best curable medicine to your cancer is reading more and more evidence based papers written by Dr. Fikre Tolesa Gigsa and his likes. Then, you either burn yourself and go for good without spoiling causing harm or you might transform yourself to a sensible humanhood through time as the ODF leaders.

    Guys you really need a psychiatrist. How come you believe that we can fool ourselves with your pure lies and fall in your racist trap???

    No No No, Never Ever guys.

    • Hey guys every body talking to much there free in nazret room. Which has been written. By Dr fikre who one made people confused in old history however. Dr fikere how old him? By the time was there in history. Dr fikere and your group I would like to tell you something. You have to accept my option Pls stop to write about oromo we know us about Oromia people. Don’t put yourself in busy way about us nobody accept you stop your advice to give us order we r enough for our people history I hope you so late when I read you latter which has been sent to the fake oromo with called him self to Baya n

      • Hey guys every body talking to much there free in nazret room. Which has been written. By Dr fikre who one made people confused in old history however. Dr fikere how old him? By the time was there in history. Dr fikere and your group I would like to tell you something. You have to accept my option Pls stop to write about oromo we know us about Oromia people. Don’t put yourself in busy way about us nobody accept you stop your advice to give us order we r enough for our people history I hope you so late when I read you latter which has been sent to the fake oromo with called him self to Baya n

  3. I was expecting that someone would write a response to Dr Fikre Tolossa’s letter. I read this response with curiosity. But I am disappointed that the author of this letter did not tell us his real name. Just for this reason alone. I would prefer not to believe his story.

    If he wants us to believe his story, he has to come out with his real name. He needs to mention his references and he has to at least try not to show hatered.

    Dear Editors of this website, if I were in your position I would not post such a letter of great impact without his real name.

  4. From Getachew Reda (Editor Ethiopian Semay)

    In defense of my good friend Dr. Fikre Tolossa:

    The Writer Ya Jemal is a good sample of self deluded fellow. We do not take this fellow as an Arab, but as an Ethiopian, because his name is Arabic name. There is no such thing as pure Oromo ethnicity/tribe. Readers, please do not worry if the writer calls us Abyssinians when the Ethiopians are called by United Nation and the world as Ethiopians. I am sure Abyssinia is or Gala is not an insult (no one yet came to argue with this with me with evidence. Gala and Oromo are both their classic names. Even OLF used the word ‘Gala’ on its writings after OLF established- I have argued several times, such is the creation of the OLF elites and the Meison/Derg elites who are Oromo to hypnotize their sick mind) . But, if someone calls this fellow or the Oromo people as “Gala’, they complained. I ask, why complaining? Who gave the OLF the right to call Ethiopians as Abyssinians when the OLF elites and their cults do not want to be called by their ancient name “the Gala people”, while they are calling with no restriction Ethiopians as Abyssinians!? Do you see my argument? If they call you as you do not want to be called, call them with the name they do not want to be called! As simple as that!
    Now let me bring you to the argument. I support my friend and a good Ethiopian patriot Dr. Fikre Tolossa on his recent article. A Good Ethiopian and a good Pan Africanist! But, the OLF fellow who has no substance to argue against Dr.Fikre is an elementary in his analysis. Not only ignorant, but also suffering with a self denial. For example, you might know who the the Solomon Islands are; these islanders are originally from Africa immigrated there during the ancient world. Theses people are very dark-skinned. But many of them have blond hair, something that has puzzled scientists for years. We can’t deny they are not black, because they have blond hair. At the same time we can’t deny OLF is not African, because it speaks African language with Latin alphabet or Oromo with a different skin pigments (BeTam Tikur, Tikur, Key, Yekey Dama…) Let this deluded writer call himself ‘Kush’, that is even more finer, if at all the OLF believe in Bible/ since bible belongs to the Ethiopians (but why then any OLF cult doesn’t believe he/she is an Ethiopian citizen, so why going to the bible to prove now their Kushetic origin, if OLF give the bible to the Christians not to the pagan OLF, who OLF believe Oromo people’s religion do not believe in the bible- why running to the bible to see if there is Oromo words in the bible- PLEASE DO NOT LAUGH!). The issue is who are the Kush? Is the meaning of kush black? We can argue this. Who can argue with me Kush means “black”. Who and what does Negede kam in the Ethiopian language means?

    Some four years back I read an argument by the name Habte, who said, I will be surprised if any Oromo at this century believe he/she is pure Oromo.Here is what he wrote;- There is nothing called Oromo tribe/ethnicity but of different indigenous tribes speaking oromo language. Its like Americans speaking English however in terms of ethnicity/ancestor people with English ancestors are less than 10%, while Germans having the largest ancestors (20%), followed by Irish (15%) and Africans (12%). Almost all Americans speak only English but they all don’t have English ancestor !!

    For some of you who got the opportunity to travel across several provinces of Ethiopia, you can easily observe that there is a vast difference in terms of color, physical appearance, culture, wedding ceremonies, dialect, accent, tradition, music and dance across all zones of Oromia. This is totally against my experience across the zones of Amhara and Tigray state. In fact When it comes to Amharas and Tigrays, although they are classified as separate ethnicitys, I found them to be more similar than a Shoa Oromo compared with borana and Guji Oromo or Hararghe with Wellega Oromo. Interms of collor Shoa Oromos are much more light skinned than Borana. The Boranas looks more to the dark skined Hamer & Konso. This is also against the somali ethnic group, inhabiting across the 4 countries of horn of Africa, with area of 3 times more than Oromia. All the Somalis are the same in all terms, however this does not work for the Oromos

    Except language similarities the Oromos leaving in the old 9 provinces are so much different in all other terms. Does the wollo Oromo’s color, physical appearance, culture, wedding ceremonies, dialect, accent, tradition, music and dance has similarity with showa or Borana Oromo? How about Arussi with neighboring Hararghe? How about Guji Oromo with neighboring Borana Oromo? How about the Muslim Jimma Oromos with Muslim Bale Oromos?? How about Wellega Oromo with Hararghe Oromo??? How about Orma of Kenya with Showa Oromo???? Between these groups there is nothing similarity except language and this was because of interaction and mixing with the indigenous people of this provinces that used to leave 500 years ago

    Some important factors for the Oromos to outnumber the indigenous peoples and assimilate them throughout the past 500 years were:

    1) All Oromo men from their childhood were trained to be highly skilled warriors. As a result they were able to subjugate, dominate and assimilate all their neighboring tribes

    2) Concubines: oromos used to marry as many women as they can, most wives being stolen/abducted from neighboring tribes

    3) Gudi fecha: until recently the oromos are known to steal children, captive from war and raise them as their own. As a sign of prosperity on average one Oromo man is expected to have 50-100 children, majority being stolen from neighboring tribes. Taking this into account it can be said that the oromo population was growing by 100% per 1 generation, while indigenous tribes were growing by may be negative since their children and women were stolen. So this means for every 100 person there are 10 pure oromo persons, the rest 90 being either stolen or children of the concubines from the indigenous tribes. When this system continuous from generation to generation the share of the pure Oromos will decline to below 1-5%

    So taking into account all those facts I would be surprised if there is any Ethiopian oromo who claims 100 % pure oromo ethnicity, its like a black American saying I am pure English man because I speak pure English!!!

    • Here we go getachew, what u right up is, all wrong .ur,wrong personal thinking and thus, tells us how retarded nefxehna you are.once again neftegna is,all about to an end and u will see all pure oromos shine in line for our national liberation pretty soon. So u better shout up mother fucker ,shame on u habesha ye sew mecheresha!! OLF, will fuck u and ur people soon. U know that Victory for oromos!!!!

    • An Abyssinian garbage by the name of Getachew Reda is questioning Oromo purity. Our diversity is our richness and Identity while we all are one as Oromos. If he could see Oromo people through my eyes, he wouldn’t rush to show his genuine and utter Ignorance. But he is nothing more than dreadful habesha who came from tribes who never invented any structurally complex political system. That is why he and his alike can never understand the concept of Gadaa system; and to cover up their poor mental development they start to belittle this kushites gift to the world. Our haters are our motivators. Their efforts and tricks to divide us only spices up our unity. We are Kushites favored by our mighty creator.

      What was he saying something about the bible? I hope he is not inferring that hebeshas are the authors of the holy bible. Our Afaan Oromo bible (macaafa qulqulu) was translated from by the great Oromo scholars Aster Ganno and Onesimos Nesib in 1899. But the fact remains. Abyssinians changed their names to Ethiopia to falsely associate themselves with the kushites while they were oginially arabs who invaded the Kush empire in eastern and northern-eastern Africa. You, real abyssinians or fake Ethiopians, have distorted the whole written about us. Your deluded m-brain hope that everything stays the same. But I promise you it won’t.

  5. For the write, you are telling that OROMO was brave bla bla, let me accept it but why aren’t we see any trace of it today. We cannot make your people brave by writing article on web and just do your work on ground like Tigrean who did history recently by defeating Derg. OLF was established before TPLF but OLF is still fresh and I am pretty sure OLF will not be successful within the next 2000 years. You indeed know the reason I am not telling you that.
    These days, you, Oromos, are saying Oromos were defeated b/c Amhara got modern weapons from westerns. The funny thing you are still complaining Amhara while TPLF is misleading or mistreating you all. Is it the sign of Braveness if you so, you are right.

    Do not confuses your people and other

  6. Why Baran or Bora? Because he used the name Gala which I think has irritated you. The last time I checked, Oromo is still Gala regardless of Dr. Fikre’s explanation. He told you the truth, listen if you have a proper ear. If you are using your kidney for thinking, then you are still a Gala working for a big gala in the next few years. The above article is another mumbo jumbo with no substance.

  7. I read your article twice. However you seem to expect the non existing civility, democracy, cooperation, centralism … from Zemene Mesafinit. In addition you inflate the non existing condition and try to accuse Ethiopia.

    I am not saying you have to agree with what Fikre has written. However your argument is less scholarly and historical …. I doubt it is written for constructive exchange of education …. it sounds it is simply something out of a confused angry man …

    Yes, it is true that Yekuno Amlack is an ormo in blood and Orthodox in culture, there is no denying there …. all his children including Libne Diginel have Oromo blood …there is no denying there ….

    Yes, Oromos were were in Borona as well as in Ethiopia for long time before the war between Gragn and Libne Dingel ….

    Please be factual ….. you can not hide from the truth. Truth is perpetual ….Fact persists ….

    Your argument at times reminds me the Republican wing Tea Party memember Ms Backman (the lady in Menesota).

  8. I am half amhara and half oromo. I want to read a sensible paper. However this paper is completely insensible. It is bizzare that the author expects from the powerless people that time to come out in big number in support of Oromos rule. That is insane. What the rulers from Senior Ras Ali to junior Ras Ali should have done was to defeat all their rivals and declare King of Kings like Tewodros did. Had they done that and the non-oromos come out in mass to oppose then your argument may make sense. Now, it is insensible. Even, Tewodros was not able to rule the country. Tigray rebelled against his rule, Oromos rebelled against Tewodros. Gojam rebelled. The Shewa Amara and Oromos rebelled against Tewodro’s rule. That was the fact. I do not know why you are so angry.

    Yes, the ormos have ruled like a prime minister for 80 years or so during Zemene Mesafinit. So what is bad about that. You are so mad that you try to create false claims from even good things. Junior Ras Ali had signed trade agreements with Europeans, what is so bad about it! You are a confused person or you are only interested to become the ruler of Oromia. To do that, you have to blind oromos with false claims and rally around you. I as half oromo will never do that. You will never become my ruler, Sad!

    What about EYOAS, the king of kings of Ethiopia in 1761 … he was half oromo and died in power struggle with Suhul.

    What about Emeror Yekuno Amlak? As Menen mentioned it earlier, he was Oromo in blood and Orthodox in culture. His sons up to Libne Digle were all mixed blood of Oromo, Tigray, amhara, and so on in blood and Orthodox in culture …. you are talking nonsonse!

    What about Menelik, Ras Mekonen, Haile sellasse … they were all mix blood – oromo and amhara and Tigray …. their culture was orthodox ….

    You know Jemmal, avoid your anger …. stop shouting and talk history … We are tired of people like you ….

    I hope you are matured enough and gentle enough to take a word or so from my advise ….

    You jolk on latin language made it sound even worse to me …. yes, we will use Geeze or Suba …. if existing Geeze lakes few sounds …. just mend it and use it

    I myself do not know everything Fikre said nor I accept every word of his but you made him the best citizen … yes, he is … he is focused on people but you are focused on becoming a ruler of my relatives …. NO WAY …

  9. I forgot to mention about the sincerity of your argument. It is completely chaotic. You try to accuse Habeshas for liking Tewodros in comparison with their withdrawal of support to Yeju oromo’s rule.

    This is completely insincenire. Tewodros is liked for the way he ended his life. I just wasted my time ………

  10. I was expecting a matured and substantiated evidence presented in a civilized and respectful manner from an Oromo in response to Dr Fikre’s letter. But what I see in this paper/response is an emotional and frustrated person judging and ‘profiling’ the writer (Dr Fikre). It was full of hatrate. I don’t think the writer is an Oromo but somebody who may understand Oromifa. Why to use nick name while writing an ‘intelectual’ rsponse??? It smells Tesfaye Gebereab!!! I’m stll expecing some substantiated response to DR Fikre’s letter.

    It is worth asking why Oromos across the country are so diverse in culture, physical appearance, color, mentality, music, attitude…?? Why is language the greatest common factor for Oromos?? whyy is it not possible like Somalis who are many many common factors even if they live in different countries?

  11. Why is it the majority of the so called Oromo movements leaders and activists happen to be Moslems in their religion?

    What is their real motive behind?

    Is Orommuma a pretext?

  12. Dr. Fikre Gebreyes is telling us Oromo is Ethiopi, Dr. Rada Getacho is telling us 500 years ago the oromos took over the indeginous people.

    Just few years ago the Abysinian were telling us Oromo doesn’t have language of that excel high skill communication. Espcially Mr. Rada is the mother of all insults. How on earth you guys become gentle without insulting the whole population.

    Abysinian is the name given to the 3 Northern provinces before they collonized the south. Just check how your emperors wrote letter with Queen of England to beg guns to kill the oromos. Ethiopia was invented by HIM just after Italien were defeated. The name Ethiopia can be not only for us but for all Africans.

    We never called ourselves Gala therefore we dont like it. You can call us to insult us but most people passed that step of being angery. we really want to go to the next step.

  13. Ha ha ha….Islamic OLF want to establish Islamic government but this will never happen.

  14. ha ha ha….Islamic OLF want to establish islamic government in the Oromia region, is you see them most of them do not represent the oromo people, they are close islamic friends. watch out oromo people, they are using our name for personal benefit.

  15. 1) በመጀመሪያ የጸሃፊው ስም በትክክል ያልተጻፈና ማንነቱን ያላሳወቀ ሰው እንዲሁም በመረጃ ያልተደገፈ ጽሁፍ ላይ ጊዜ ማጥፋት አያስፈልግም። ያ ጀማል(B.B) ብሎ ጽሁፍ መጀመር አለ እንዴ! ይሄ ራሱ የሚያሳየው በራሱ የማይተማመንና የዋህና እምብዛም እውቀት የሌላቸውን ሰዎች በፈጠራ ታሪክ ለመበረዝ ነው።
    2)የወያኔ ካድሬዎችም በተለያዩ ድህረ ገጾች ላይ ስማቸውን እየቀየሩና እያስመሰሉ ህብረተሰቡን እየበከሉ ይገኛሉ ስለዚህ ማንም የወያኔ(የዱር አራዊት አስተሳሰብ ያለው ሰው)በጻፈው ጊዜ ማጥፋት አያስፈልግም።
    3)የድህረ ገጽ አዘጋጆች እንደዚህ አይነት ጽሁፍ ለሚያቀርቡ ሰዎች ማንነታቸውንእንዲያሳውቁ መጠየቅ ይኖርባቸዋል እላለሁ።ምክንያቱም ይሄ ኮሜንት አይደል ጽሁፍ ነው የሚያቀርበው ስለዚህ አስቡበት። ተመልከቱ ለምሳሌ ትክክላኛውን ስሙን ሰጥቶ ጸሁፍ የሚያቀርበውን ጸሃፊ በውሸተኛ ወይም ማንነቱ በማይታወቅ ሰው እንዲሁም ህብረተሰብን በሚመርዝ የውሸት ታሪክ ለሚቀባጥር ማስተባበያ መድረክ መስጠት ጥሩ አይደለም።

  16. According to this loser, DR. Fikre Tolosa is trying to reverse oromo’s accomplishments in the last twenty years. He must be living in a different planet than we live in. Having the audacity to paint a rosy picture to oromos condition in the last twenty years is laughable to say the least. Any oromo who can say that without reservation must be a woyane stooge.

    In the beginning of the last twenty years, oromos like him aligned themselves with woyane and committed genocide against innocent Amharas; threw men over a cliff–beheaded women, children and the elderly—in some cases cut open the wombs of pregnant women and killed fetuses. Was that an accomplishment?

    The leadership of “free oromia” abandoned over thirty thousands combatants behind and ran to Europe & America to live a life of luxury. While these “Starbucks coffee shop” politicians keep spreading their pipe dream of “free oromia”, munching on hamburgers and guzzling coca-cola, thousands of oromia fighters are still languishing in woyane’s dungeons. Is that what you call progress?

    DR. Fikre Tolosa is a true son of Ethiopia, an intellectual, a dynamic poet and author whose papers/presentations are well researched and backed up with evidence. He is not a Johnny come lately , one track mind, narrow nationalist oromo who foams from the mouth. Fikre, the son of proud Tolosa likes to swim in the vast ocean as opposed to drowning in a small pond. In other words, he is a visionary who takes pride not only in oromia and Ethiopia, but in humanity overall. You are no match to him Mr. yegemal. A midget can not compare to a giant.

    Mr.Yegemal or whatever his name is will grow old and die before he sees ” free oromia”–so does his son and grandson if they follow his path. Separating oromia from Ethiopia is not feasible. Oromia is Ethiopia and Ethiopia is Oromia. If you are not smart enough to understand this concept, let me make it easier for you. Grab a knife, cut open your chest and remove your heart. Can you survive after that? Duh!


  17. Guys:

    Cool down !! ask your self why “Dr”. Fikre want to write to an individual? Can an individual change the course of history and poltical struggle? I really surprised with Absinyians comments. Some says I am half oromo and half Amhara, some says I am true Habesha etc. I believe “Dr.” Fikre is in identity crisis him self. I have a reason for this, for one thing he claim to be an oromo while he knows noting about history and grivence of the oromos for the other thing he is pretty good at knowing at Amhra history and culture. So, identity crisis means noting but becoming ignorant about your own history, culture, value etc and trying to assemble your self with others. It is denying oneself. I know that there are many nations and nationalties in Ethiopia with oromo name, he could be one of them (Gurage) or he has been born from amhra mother and socialized to amhra religion (orthodox) and culture. It looks he want to defend amhra culture and identity more than the amhras did which is funny. I think Jemal has given you equal and opposit response to your confused and full of fallacy letters. I strongly advice “Dr.” if this is not psedo name to come back to your mind, which is colonized mentaltiy and pyschology. I know that OLF is struggling to liberate not only oromos who know themselves but also those who are acultured to absinyan identity and culture, who denying their own identity like you!! Good luck!!!!

  18. Dr Fikere i wounder who gave you this doctor title ..have you ever done a Phd writing? seems you are just a politician. Dont call your self a historian. To some of you claminig you are half Amhara – half Oromo..just to support your bullshit argument with this ” blood- mix” go to hell because you are using who you are to throw away the fruits of the Oromo struggle. And those of you who are calling us Gala…lol do u think we are scared of that…ahhahhah when ever you are using the Gala term i smell fear and anger on your part..why all of you are so angry about we becoming proud of our self? why it really matters for u when we become the Oromo we have to This is a simple evidnce to the trash brought by the ” Doctor” all of you Habesa people dont want to give away your dominance in all terms including language, leadership, religion, custom which ofcourse is developed under your own empire ( i am sure you will not be able to have this ‘ hagemony” under the leadership of the ” other’..that is not possible. Dont freak out..the Oromo struggle and the Orommuma will never be defeated let alone by a trash history like this, by your Gala reference or a claim of half Oromo blood, even by the worse form of human treatment like killing ..imprisoment….viva Oromia

  19. Shame on you those who got excited by how names are written! Nothing good would come out of you guys! The crux of the matter is still history! You got it? History?

  20. It is high time to debate this issue out. Now I’m starving to read an interectually substantiated response against Dr Fikre.
    Family based king making was not a unique experiance in Ethiopia. So don’t make it a big deal. It was not just the Oromo but also other Amhahras and Tigrays were also denied the king crown. Surprisingly the society back then has accepted the king making procedure. I think that is why mesafents, whether amahara, tigray or Oromo couldn’t dare to name themselves king. They take the power and name a pupet king. Like Meles is PM and Negaso president. What matters is the power not the name. It was only Tewodros who broke the cycle and name himself a king. He was not selective in killing people. He killed as far as you became a threat to his power and ‘vision’, no matter what your ethnicity was. SO stop playing ‘I’m the only victim mentality’ game.

  21. One more, what Dr Fikre saying is the kings’ family through generation became a multi ethnic blood. The marriage was between the powerful family of each others ethnic group. It was one way of avoiding conflicts and building trust. It was about class not people. An Amahara or Tigre or Oromo ruling class chose to marry from others ruling class that their own lower class people. SO it was not about ethnicity but power and conflict resolution.

  22. He( Dr Tolossa) is suffering from following misunderstandings and delusions

    1. Dr. Tolossa repeated sin of Name Changing Cult: with the aim of totally eradicating History and Identity of others
    2. Dr. Tolossa is Psycho – Alien Country association to – Other countries ( Outside Africa)
    3. Dr. Tolossa even suggest Oromo migrated up to Madagascar : ( tries to correct theory that says moves from Madagascar)
    4. Dr. Tolossa does not have clue of written Language at all: Amharic has 7 eg (B-Geez,B-Ka’ib,B-Salis, B-Rabi’e,B-Hamis, B-Sadis, B-Sabi’) I am allowed to guess unintelligently here like him ( Sabi-7th letter) comes from Queen Saba). …..On the other hand Phonemes Oromiffa are 21 (B,BA,BAA BBA,BBAA,BE,BBE,BEE,BBEE,BI,BII,BBI,BBII,BO,BOO,BBO,BBOO,BU,BUU,BBU,BBUU). How Geez can be modified to handle this 21 Sounds will be great work for Oromo and Ethiopia, if his interest is genuine please work on it. He has problem writing name as mentioned in article above and misinterpreting others name to mean different. If you are positive please try to learn the language first before you say anything further.
    5. Dr. Tolossa misunderstood Oromo Existing internal Administration System: It is Bottom- Up unlike Top-down. Oromo Does not care what Dr. Thinks/choses is good or bad as far as it is not agenda of the majority.
    6. Dr. Tolossa is still accountable for what he has written about Oromo. The culture encourages you to speak/write out whatever Idea but you need to proof to the end. Oromo do not leave your bad Mass genocide idea suspended somewhere! Peace or Out!
    7. Dr. Tolossa hypothesize non-written alphabet is root cause of colonization. India has 13 or more written language and still they use English in addition to their written language. Egypt is colonized and has its own alphabet yet they use Arabic. What drives written language is the society local politics plus world economics/politics.
    8. Dr. Tolossa or others should have written or at least spoken these idea earlier. Why not now this way the first time.
    9. Dr. Tolossa has a sense Bible is modified or wrong. He claims his own story than proven Existing Story.
    10. Dr. Tolossa has Identity Crisis (Multiple disorder Identity): Claim half Identity for each Oromo and Amhara. To My knowledge there is no half identity then he concluded by claim third identity Neged Gojjam. Please do not try to create Multiple Identity for yourself and preach you have unity for Ethiopians. You may simply say I am Gojjame.
    11. Dr. Tolossa bad idea always starts at Melketsedik of Old Testimony. If you are Christian and Scholar please come to your sense! For God’s sake, I am begging you coz bad and dangerous world-class disaster ideology started by twisting word of God. We live in New Testament and according to New Testament Jesus is our Melketsedik. This is Christianity. Leave Melketsedik which you say is father of Amhara and Oromo! Please ask any True Amhara Christian! I know the direction you are heading too. So I want you to stop here!
    12. Remember Oromo/Amara/Christians and All Ethiopians take Blasphemy very seriously and I Expect Ethiopian Orthodox to watch your back.

    Peace for Ethiopia and Ethiopians!

  23. የ አማራ ጉዳይ ከተነሳ የ ኦሮሞ አሥተያየ ሰጪ በተለያየ ጊዘ አይቻለሁ ፍጹም በጥላቻ ና
    በድፍረት ይጻፋል ነገር ግን በአማራና በለሎች ህዝቦች በ ኦሮሞላይ እንዲህ ያለ ጥላቻን ዘለፋ አጋጥሞኝ አያውቅም እንዴት ሰው ለወገኑ ካብራኩ ለወጣ ልጅ በጥላቻ እንዲያድግ ያደርጋል አሁን ፍቅሬ ቶሎሳ ለጻፈው መልስ ከመስጠት ይልቅ ዘለፋና የውሽት መልስ ነው ያየሁት ደግሞስ ለምሳሌ በራሴ ሳየው ከቤተሰቤ እና ከአንዳዶቹ በቀር ዘመዶቼ እንዲህ ያለ ውሽት እና ጥላቻ አያስተምሩንም በተለያየ ቦታ ለ ዶክተር ፍቅረ ቶለሳ መልስ ከሰጡ ሰወች ይልቅ የ ፍቅሬ ሃሳብ ያረካኛል እንዲህ ስላልኩ ኦሮሞ መሆኔን ማን ይከለክለኛል አገራችን ኤትዮጵያ ነች

  24. Dr. Fikre Tolossa is erudite. Yajemal is a fabricated stupid conflict creation master. Go to hell Yajemal. Hung yourself and you will do a good job for you.

  25. In may Opinion Getachew Reda is a nacty old Neftenya!

    Wether you will or not Oromia will be for Oromos!
    Ethiopia will be destroyed througth such Person like you.

  26. Getachew Reda, you said Gala is not an insult. Really it is an insult which was given to Oromo People by colonizer(Habasha) after Oromiya has been fallen under their colony during the end of nine-teen century. If it is not an insult, when you physically meet an Oromo guy or lady call with this word. Then I’ll hope you’ll get your consequences. OLF never used and will use an insulting word to the nation whom he has fought for. Whether you like or not Abysinia is your original of your country, for Amhara and Tigrean before your forefathers colonized the other nations in the Empire. The realty is not as you said, there isn’t difference regarding colour, physical appearance, cultur, wedding cermony, tradition, music and dance among Oromos within Oromiya and else where. Only what you said is the Dividing and Rule Method of your forefathers and your hatred for Oromo People. Guest, if you want true what we Oromos are complaining about our being colonized by Habasha(Abysinia) (Amhara and Tigrea) by the help of modern weapons from westerns at the end of nineteen century is completely true. Gugsa Kebede, first of all from where you got the name Gugsa, which is belonged to Oromo Nation. I’m sure you’re not Oromo, because one can’t insult ones nation. But if you’re really Oromo, no matter, we’ve been colonized by Menelik, who has been seen as hero by Habasha by the help of modern weapons from westerns and Gobanas of Oromo(a betrayal of Oromo). The reason why you’re in such a hurr to insult indicates the level of your consciousness. Dr. Fikre and his supporters, whether you like or not we Oromos are not Ethiopian. We’re Oromian and we don’t like your Saba- letters and you flag. We’re proud of our Qubee and flag for ever. Oromo are for Oromiya!! Oromiya shall be free!!

  27. Correction for comment number 29: Abysinia is your original NAME of your country, for Amhara and Tigrean before your forefathers colonized the other nations in the Empire. The reason why you’re in such a HURRY to insult indicates the level of your consciousness.

  28. Mr Falmata, where is your level of consciousness? thinking like narrow mindedness.

  29. የመጀመሪያው ጸሀፊ ዶክተር ፍቅሬን ደግፎ ቢሆን ኖሮ ሁሉም የድጋፍ አስተያየት ይሰጥ ነበር አንዱ ከተቃወመ ሁሉም ይቃወማል ደግሞ የሚገርመው በጨዋነት መጻፍ ሲቻል ለምን ትሳደባላችሁ ባለጌው እኮ ተሳዳቢው እንጂ ተሰዳቢው አይደለም ለምሳሌ አይደለም እንጂ ጋላ ማለት ስድብ ነው ከተባለ ነፍጠኛ ብሎ መጥራትን ለምን አትተውም ሌላው ደግሞ ሸዋ ያለን ባሌ ያለነውን ኦሮምኛ ተናጋሪዎች ኦሮሞ ናችሁ ብትሉን አንቀበልም ኦሮሞ የሚባሉት ደቡብ ህዝቦች ናቸው ዕንጂ፡፡ወረ_ኦሞ ማለት የኦሞ ልጆች ማለት ነው መለስ ኤትዮጵያውነቴን ፍቆ በጎሳ ሊጠራኝ አይችልም ፡አማርኛ ቁዋንቌ የሁሉም ኤትዮጵያዊ ነው ኢትዮጵያ የሁሉም ነች አማርኛ የሃገር ቋንቌ ሲሆን ኦሮምኛ የቤተሰብና ያካባቢ ነው

  30. oh this people you see the comment about oromiffa sound written like BBEE BBUU BBOOBBBBBBBBBBB what is that do you want to write BBC or something .it looks like car sound the best way press your car tumba bibibibibibibibibibibibibbbbbb

  31. An Abyssinian garbage by the name of Getachew Reda is questioning Oromo purity. Our diversity is our richness and Identity while we all are one as Oromos. If he could see Oromo people through my eyes, he wouldn’t rush to show his genuine and utter Ignorance. But he is nothing more than dreadful habesha who came from tribes who never invented any structurally complex political system. That is why he and his alike can never understand the concept of Gadaa system; and to cover up their poor mental development they start to belittle this kushites gift to the world. Our haters are our motivators. Their efforts and tricks to divide us only spices up our unity. We are Kushites favored by our mighty creator.

    What was he saying something about the bible? I hope he is not inferring that hebeshas are the authors of the holy bible. Our Afaan Oromo bible (macaafa qulqulu) was translated from by the great Oromo scholars Aster Ganno and Onesimos Nesib in 1899. But the fact remains. Abyssinians changed their names to Ethiopia to falsely associate themselves with the kushites while they were oginially arabs who invaded the Kush empire in eastern and northern-eastern Africa. You, real abyssinians or fake Ethiopians, have distorted the whole written about us. Your deluded m-brain hope that everything stays the same. But I promise you it won’t.

  32. Hi! Now i’m at the office surfing around your site via our new new iphone! Just wanted to state I enjoy reading your blog and appear forward to all of your blogposts! Carry on the particular

  33. I don’t know whether it’s just me or if everyone else experiencing issues with your site. It appears like some of the text in your posts are running off the screen. Can someone else please provide feedback and let me know if this is happening to them as well? This could be a issue with my internet browser because I’ve had this happen previously. Many thanks

  34. ok once a while ago i learn about oromo is the so called “galla”my refernce is the forgotton tribes of oromo tribes in somalia by sudan tribin and “bantu and galla tribes in east africa” just type this in google you will find the true history of “galla”period.

  35. ok yes to delrose klaman i have one of you issue too.the web site is cheap and cannot handl situation like runns fast and diapear.. there are other choice for you. any way the web site mostly favoured and run by some people wanted to get popularity by posting race issues.and olso i suspect it might be run by half olf and half tplf.i dout it .it stands for ethiopian people at all.

  36. በታሪክ ጉዳይ በሃገራችን ኢትዮጲያ ሚዛናዊ ታሪክ ያለመጻፉን የሃገሪቱ የታሪክ ምሁር ፕ/ር ኣለሜእሸቴ ታሪክ በታሪክነቱ ያሉበት መርህ የመሰከሩት ይገኛል:: በዚህ ጉዳይ “ሚዛናዊ ታሪክ” ብዬ ባሳተምኩት መጽሃፍ በዝርዝር ገልጬዋለሁ:: መጽሃፉ ሳይታተም በፊት ምክር የጠየቑዋቸው ምሁራን ፈቃደኛ አልነበሩም:: ዶ/ር ፍቃዱ በቀለና ዶ/ር ድርሻዬ መንበሩ ብቻ ሲገመግሙልኝ ዶር ፍቃዱ ልዩነት ቢኖረንም ጥሩ መጽሃፍ ነው የሚል ጨዋ አስተያየት ሰጥቶኛል:: ከታላቆቹ ምሁራን ፕሮፌሰሮች ግታቸው ሃይሌ ጌታቸው በጋሻውና ጌታቸው መታፈሪያ ጊዜ የለንም ሲሉኝ መታፈሪያ ብቻ ጥቂት ምክክርና ክርክር አግንቻለሁ:: በዚህ ክፍል የጻፈው ሰው ፕሮፌሰር ፍቅሬን ቢተችም ብዙ ተኣማኒነት ያለውን ጽፏል:: መነቃቀፍ ትተን በልዩነት በመግባባት ለምጭው ትውልድ በጎ ታሪክ እንድናቆይ በታሪክ የቀደመች ታላቅ ሃገራችንን ወደከፍታ ትገባ ዘንድ እንድንጥር አሳሳብለሁ:: ፕሮፌሰር ፍቅሬ ለሃገራችን እርቅ ለመልሰ ዜናዊ “ጊዜው ለይቅርታና ለንስሃ አልረፈደም” ካሉበት ቀን ጀምሮ ወዳጅ ነን በኦሮሞና ደቡብ ህዝቦች ጉዳይ ግን ብዙ ልዩነቶች አሉን:: የአንድ አቅጣጫ ታሪክ ቀርቶ የብዙ ነገዶች ሃገር ኢትዮጲያያ ታሪክ በሚዛናዊነት ይጻፍ ዘንድ የትምህርት ሚንስቴር የታሪክ መጽሃፍትን መሰረዙም ይስተዋል ዘንድ አሳስባለሁ::
    Chaplain Eddie Mekasha, USA

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“መነሻችን እዚህ መዳረሻችን እዚያ” የሚለው የዲያስፖራ ከንቱ አታካራ! – ክፍል ሁለት

በላይነህ አባተ ( በአንዳንድ ስብሰባዎችና የሕዝብ መገናኛ መድረኮች የሚታየው የአንዳንድ ዲያስፖራዎች  “መነሻችን እዚህ መዳረሻችን እዚያ” የበከተ ከንቱ አታካራ በልጅነታችን ወላጆቻችን ትምህርት እንዲሆነን ይተርኩልን የነበረውን ከጫጉላ ወጥተው ጎጆ ለመመስረት የታከቱ ሁለት ያልበሰሉ ባልና ሚስትን ታሪክ

መነሻችን አማራ መድረሻችን አማራ እና ወያኔያዊ መሠረቱ

የማይወጣ እንጀራ ከምጣዱ ያስታውቃል። የዛሬን አያድርገውና የትግሬ ልሂቆች “ትግራይ የጦቢያ መሠረት ናት ።  ጦቢያ ያለ ትግራይ፣ ትግራይ ያለ ጦቢያ ሊታሰቡ አይችሉም” በማለት ጦቢያዊ ከኛ ወዲያ ላሳር እያሉ አለቅጥ ይመጻደቁ፣ ይኩራሩ፣ ይታበዩ ነበር። ወያኔ

አቶ ታዲዮስ ታንቱ በተከሰሱባቸው ወንጀሎች ጥፋተኛ ተባሉ

ለአመታት በእረስር ላይ የሚገኙት  አቶ ታዲዮስ ታንቱ በተከሰሱባቸው የጥላቻ ንግግር ማሰራጨት እና የዕርስ በዕርስ ግጭት መቀስቀስ ወንጀሎች ጥፋተኛ መባላቸው ታውቋል፡፡ አቶ ታዲዮስ ታንቱ በተከሰሱበት ክሶች በዛሬ ቀጠሮ የጥፋተኝነት ፍርድ የሰጠው የፌደራል ከፍተኛ

ከ”ችርቻሮ” ድል አልፎ ለመሄድ የአንድነት አስፈላጊነት – ግርማ ካሳ

በአሁኑ ጊዜ ሁለት የፋኖ አሰላለፎች አሉ:: መኖር ያልነበረበት:: አንከር ሜዲያ ከሁለቱም አሰላለፎች፣ ሁለት ፋኖ መሪዎች ጋር ቃለ ምልልስ አድርጋለች፡፡ ሁለቱን አደመጥኩ፡፡ በሰማሁት ነገር ተደስቻለሁ:: ትልቅ ተስፋ እንድሰንቅም አድርጎኛል:: የአማራ ህዝባዊ ድርጅት የፖለቲካ
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