November 15, 2013
1 min read

ሳዑዲዎች ቀለሉ ኢትዮጵያዉያን እምቢኝ አሉ በዋሽንግተን ዲሲ


ኢትዮጵያዉያን ሳዑዲ አረቢያ ኤምባሲ ፊት ለፊት እምቢተኝነታቸዉን አሳይተዋል።መንፈሰ ጠንካራነቱም በጣሙን የላቀ ነበር። አሻፈረኝ ያለ አንድ ኢትዮጵያዊ ፖሊሶቹን አልፎ ወደ ኤምባሲዉ ለመግባት ቢሞክርም ታገተ። ህዝባዊ እንቢተኝነትን ተምሳሊት በማድረግ በርካታ ኢትዮጵያዉያን የኩሩነት እስርን ለመታሰር ሲፈልጉ ታይቷል!…ግን ወሳኝ የሆነ ስምምነት በፖሊሶቹና በኢትዮጵያዉያኑ መካከል ተስተዋለ…ሁለቱም ቡድኖች ቁጣቸዉን የጋራ በሆነ የመፍትሔ ጥላ ስር አኖሩት… በሰላም ስር!
በሳዑዲ አረቢያና በኢትዮጵያ ያሉትን መንታ አንባገነናዉያን ጭካኔ ይገምቱ… የአሜሪካ ፖሊሶች ታጋሽነትን አስተዉለዋልን? የነጻነት ጣእምን አስተዉለዋልን? ይሕንን ነጻነት ነዉ በእናት አገራችን ላይ ለወገኖቻችን የምንሻዉ። በርግጥ ለዉጥ ወደ ሳዑዲ አረቢያና ኢትዮጵያ እያስገመገመ ነዉ! ፍቅርን እንደ ዉድና ብርቅ ቅርስ ይዘዉ በጽናት የሚኖርን ህዝብ ቆስቁሰዋልና የፍቅር ጽኑ መንፈስ እጁን ለ አንባገነናዊ እዉር-ድንብርብርታ አይሰጥም።ህዝቡን አንድ በማድረጋቸዉ እንደሰት…አንድነት ለነጻነትና ፍቅር ጋሻ መከታ ነውና።


  1. Realy the curunt amara dem ara oposition trying to preach about freedom and peace but twenty years ago the amara were killing the oromo, tigray,sidama and gurage people for no resone, just for asking basic right….and forcing the victum family to pay for the bulet $50 birr and to take the body. more than $500 birr(one year salery) for each body most familise loose more 3 they were a peace maks to fool the ethiopian ppl.all of this crime dune not by the durg but by the amara ppl 100 % of the generals were amaras…..

  2. To “freeormia’

    You are not Oromo, you are the stupid, rubish woyane. Before to say rubish things, try to read and ask about history. In the Ethiopian government history, Oromo is the dominant powerful nationals among others. Just take the derg regime. Starting from ‘ Mengistu Hilemaryam, Legesse Asfaw, Tesfaye Dinka, Debela Dinsa and most the derg officials were Oromos. Try to ask any derg general from airforce to the ordinary military, most of them are Oromos. Do you know “Kelbessa Nego, the blood thirst who deport from the United States that commit a lot of massacre of the ethiopian youngs ? Anyway it is worthless to have dialogue with such a moron racist woyane. The solution is one and one. Just removed woyane from the earth. I garante you it will happen in the near future.

  3. free oromia you are denakurt like weyane .You are lying,All people in ethiopia shared the good and the bad things in the past,that is passed,We Ethiopians sidama ogadians afar amahara guragae oromos tgrians and so on are ready to live togther under democracy and freedom. one man one card.No more to be ruled under brutality rulers.Weyane is the last brutal and uncivilized regime in Ethiopia .The amhara and sidama welayta afar gambela and other we will not be fooled again and again to be slaughter by uncivilized a man like you and others what ever it is amhara or oromo .The Ethiopian people are now armed to remove the existng brutle regime as well as to keep away the coming uncivulizead and backward mentality rulers like you who name yourslf freeoromia

  4. Komata anbeta kortami kimalam tigre, be Oromia sim yemitsifew bere tija welede, clealy shows your brain is rottening like woyanne. You lice infested garbages have to face the gloomiest days now. Enemies of Ethiopia will go down pellmell into theirdirty grave. The Interhamwey your rotten leader was preaching was a telling prediction for your imminent sweep away. Get ready for it. Garbage stays, rottes and stinks until it is cleaaned away. And Ethiopians have now come to clean this stinking garbage.

  5. @freeoromo
    You ______ you don’t even have gut to go out and fight . Don’t you ever know where you come from, if we want we will send you back to Madagascar . You make sure you tell fo that fool Jawar Oromo first too ( you should say Madagascar first) . We really fed up with you , why don’t you go out and fight , instead of complaing tha last 50 years . I had enough …..

  6. Teddy,
    I had enough too, If you are neftenya while u drink and eat Teji and Tela, the wayane took your power and you are crying. If you are TPLF, we are tired of you, probably you are going to cry for the rest of your life as we took back our country. Where should we dump u, Eritrea? You get what you deserve

  7. dear editor
    Tamagne Beyene with police fight ethiopians -to prevent them
    to go inside the Saudi Embassy in USA—HODAM Tamagne
    no heart but only tongue–melas Tamagne Beyene

  8. guys dont be stupid this is not the time to play shit game ok…. we are Ethiopians…thats we all need to know…..oromo tigra amara? so what? what is the big deal. they are trying to make us weak by crating fight b/n us……. christan with muslim amra with tigra…… know y they did that cos they know that we are strong when we stand together … no one can harm us when we fight for Ethiopia……… pls from now on….. we are not tigra we are not amara we are not oromo…..WE ARE ETHIOPIANS that is the only thing which can keep us alive…. ONE LOVE ONE ETHIOPIA

  9. it’snt really the sign of patriotism being like this (trying to break in to saudi embassy) but humilation for us!

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