March 2, 2019
1 min read

በሚኒሶታ የኢትዮጵያ ቆንስላ ጽህፈት ቤት ተመርቆ ዛሬ ሥራ ጀመረ


የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትሩ ዶ/ር ወርቅነህ ገበየሁ ይገኛሉ ተብሎ ቀደም ሲል ተነግሮ የነበረ ቢሆንም በመጨሻው ሰዓት የኦሮሚያ ክልል ፕሬዚዳንት አቶ ለማ መገርሳ እና የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚንስትር ደኤታዋ አምባሳደር ብርቱካን አያኖና የአሜሪካ መንግግስት ባለስልጣናት በምረቃው ሥነ ሥርዓት ላይ ተገኝተዋል::
የለማ መገርሳ ንግግርን ያካተተውን ጠቅለል ያለውን ዘገባ ይመልከቱ


  1. Wellcome to the galla apartheid which is even worse than tigre apartheid. Why is galla lema here? is he a foreign minsiter? Babies uprooted by this galla are on the streets of Addis ababa while he is wining and dining with olf gallas here.

    Amara: wake up not to undergo ethnic cleansing again. Time to stand with ABN.

  2. “Ethiopianness is like an addiction”: Lemma
    “When alive, we are Ethiopians; when we die, we become Ethiopia”” Abiy

    These are highly sensational talks by the so-called change agents.

    Then, after eight months, what are we seeing?

    Social engineering in and around Addis to make Addis an oromo city,Ethnic cleansing around Addis, continuous attack of non-oromo Ethiopians (in particular the Burjis) by OLF and its supporters and complete neglect by the change agents, oromoization of kebeles and keftegnas in Addis, the municipality office in Addis, the prime minister`s office as well as major ministries, media support for so-called separatist minority groups (kimant and agaw) in Amara kilil to cause instability in this area.

    Ethiopians: Beware of what is going to come. All what the so-called change-agents do will bring about the disintegration of the country. This will affect not just a single ethnic or social group but all Ethiopians without exception. We have to always mind this fact.

  3. The talk and the walk have to align themselves.. Lema be Ethiopian both in talk and at heart. Avoid your Oroma aggrandization objective which is vividly seen recently. Both the Amahara and all Ethiopians are watching what u are doing openly. Don’t repeat what the banda Meles has done to our people..Apartheid….

  4. The producer of the Rioyot Media is one of those mentally distorted individuals. Such individuals are hatemongers and possessed by evil spirits. The only remedy for such sickness is the emancipation of all Ethiopians from the backward and inhuman ideological thinking of the worshipers of Menilik.

    Overnight you become a group of the best historians. It is ridiculous. First of all you have to reconstruct and understand your own history, instead of claiming the history of the others for yourself. Your historical fictions have no more place in today Ethiopia. You claim as historical facts the followings: Sometimes you have nothing to do with Africans because your forefathers came from middle East, especially from Israel. Sometimes you are the original Africans; but the Oromo are the newcomers. Just you change yourself and your history as a chameleon with time and situation. You are lost.

    I ask myself  always what is going on in the minds of the mindless ultra nationalists of the Amahara. It is extreme paradoxical. On one side they accuse the Tigers for replacing the Amahara culture and language with the culture and language of the Tigres in Walkit. On the side they are trying to describe the Oromo language and culture as alien to Finfinne and its surrounding. They want to hear more English or Spanish instead of afaan Oromoo. They behave like a parasite. They are not thankful. They want to have everything alone. We have to search for something which may help as remedy before it will affect us extremely. Their greediness is not only limited in Ethiopian territories, but also in abroad. For example, they claimed one part of a city around Wishing DC to have alone for themselves by renaming it as little Ethiopia. 

    For the resettlements of the Oromo within Oromia we need no permission from any body, especially from the mindless ultra nationalists of the  Amahara. We will not resettle a single Oromo your Amhara region outside of Kamise. But in Oromia you have no rights to tell us what to do  and not to do. Your arrogance and stubbornness will get its end in the near future.

    The Oromo and other subjugated peoples of Ethiopia are now hand in hand, in order to  fight such backward mentalities and ideologies. Our fighting will be continued until not only the villages and towns, but also all languages  and cultures of all Ethiopians  will be free. Period!

  5. ትልቁ ዳቦ ሊጥ ሆነ ይሏል ለማ መገርሳ ነው የኢትዮጲያዊነት ሱሱ ወንበር እስኪደላደልለት መሆኑን ያየነው ራሱ የመዝባሪ ጉበኞች ባለስልጣኖቻችን ስህተት ነው ያለውን የለገጣፎ ዜጎች ግብር የገበሩበት ህጋዊነት ያገኙበት ቤቶችን ማፍረስ ብዙሃኑ በጽንፈኞቹ ሰፋሪ ተብለው የሚሰቃዩትን ምንም መፍት ሄ ሳይሰጥ ድሮ ጉዲና ቱምሳ በሚባል ዘረኛ ፓስተር የተጀመረውን የአማራና የሌልቾ ብሄሮች ጥላቻ መናህሪያ ሚኒሶታን የገዥው ኦሮሞ ፓርቲ ቆንሲላ መክፈቱ ነው:: ከሶማሌ ክልል የተፈናቀሉትንም ለዲሞግራፊ ማስተካከያ በማለት የሰራው ደባ በነጃዋር የሚራመደው አዲስ አበባን የኦሮሞ የበላይነት ከዚያም ጠቅላላዋ ሃገሪቱን በዘረኛ ፖሊሲ ለመራት ነው:: ሲያምርህ ይቅር የቆራጦቹ የኢትዮጲያ ቁርጥቀን ልጆች በውጭም በውስጥም አይተኙልህም እንዳማረህ ትቀራለህ ጠባብ!

  6. In Ethiopia we have at least an estimated between a million to twenty million people that hold fake forged University degrees, many from Universities that do not even exist. These who pretend to have the skills to achieve many things deliver nothing except more corruption on the job market.Lemma/Abiy need to hunt down these fakeism people, that is assuming Abiy and Lemma themselves are not fake degree holders. For sure Mayor Habiba is fake .

    In the last 27 years the really skilled educated individuals were forced to go in exile because fake degree holders pushed them out of the job market. Maybe now if Lemma clears the city the many Oromo I tellectuals will go back and atleady help finish the GERD dam. Many intellectual gave up pursuing education because they figured there were ample educated Ethiopians, while the truth was those assumed to be ample educated people were fake degree holders . Fake development of Meles who relied on the few others that were really educated was not able to develop the country with the 30+ billion dollars borrowed from foreigners almost all going down the drain. The fake degree holders by nature cannot even tie their own shoes without asking others for help. They call for help for every little task and decision. When they screw up they quickly shift the blame to whoever lent a helping hand. They even screw up in their personal family lives and shift the blame on their friends . It is wise not to associate with them because for every good thing they are quick to get themselves be the only achiever, but if something goes wrong it is their close associates that gets blamed.

    So now do we elect one of these clowns since they are still at large or what?
    Even Meles Zenawi himself by claiming to have been in school between 1991 and 1998 (while most thought he was hard at work leading a country ) he stayed in power longer than any one “Democrat” leader in history of the world. Some Ethiopian people thought he would deliver what he preached but in his time as a leader he delivered nothing except worse situations. Right now it is the same khat hallucinatory that are thinking they are qualified that are ready to continue their reign of fakeism barnishing their fake degrees , fake love and fake many other things

  7. First of all Everybody has been delighted with the opening of the consulate office in Minneapolis is for the reason that there is a big population of East African residing in the region. The raison de’etre is there for obvious reason, but the process is infected with racism. You may not see it vividly in a speech made by Lemma Megeresa or inviting people from various ethnic group does not imply the lack of partiality. A subtle racism was there. This paper was trying a bit to mention the presence of some individuals around the newly opened consulate, who think themselves as their turn to have supremacy, the so-called, “the oromo supremacy.” This paper should further investigate and provide us with a complete picture. Those guys to my minimum knowledge do have wrong perspective on Ethiopia and inherently narrow nationalists and I know some of them personally and had a discourse with them on race and Ethiopian-ism over the years.

  8. Lema and Abiy have lost majorioty support because they appoint only 95% Oromos to top jobs. Abiy lied to ethiopians by saying that he has not seen and heard about Evictions in Lege tafo. The OLF leader Dawd Ibsa who looted 18 banks is living comfortably at Sheraton Hotel paid by Governemnt expenses. Jawar who is spreading hate news and terorizing ethiopians have been given a Free Ride with Government protection. ALema plans to resetlle 500,000 Oromo farmsrs in Addis to change demographics and bring domination of Oromos ethnic group over oithers. This is completely illegal, therefore i ask Ethiopian lawyers to investigate this issue. Both Abiy and Lema have hidden Agenda, so they must step down or we demand early election or Transition government. Non oromos have no interest to invest in Oromo region to be victim of eviction and robbery. I regret that i paid to the Trust fun because they are funding to buy bulldozers to demolish homes of innocent ethiopians and i dont want to finance apartheid regime!.

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July 24, 2024 ዓለማቀፍ ትብብር ለኢትዮጵያዊያን መብት Global alliance for the Rights of Ethiopians (GARE) በደቡብ ኢትዮጵያ ክልል ገዜ ጎፋ ወረዳ ኬንቾ ሳቻ ጎዝዲ ቀበሌ በደረሰው የመሬት መንሸራተት የብዙ ወገኖቻችንን ህይዎት ማለፉን
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