October 7, 2016
1 min read

የኦሮሚያ የሽግግር መንግስት ? የኦሮሚያ መከላከያ ስራዊት በርግጥ ታስቧልን ? አቶ ጀዋር ሙሃመድ እና ፕሮፌሰር ህዝቄል ጋቢሳ በጋዜጠኛ ሳዲቅ አህመድ ይጠየቃሉ



  1. The lazy people like Yigermal are interested in criticizing people who work hard to show a result. Either organize as Ethiopian or Amara and save Ethiopia from the separatists. The OLF was there for more than 40 years but it was not allowed by the Derg or TPLF to separate Oromia because they organized and prevented it. But you lazy people like to sit back and criticize. Have a gut, form that army and then sit down with equal footing with ether OLF or anyone that represent with the Oromos.

  2. ሙልጭ ያለ ውሸት ፖለቲካዊ ጮሌነት ነው። oromoprotest.com ን ለተጨማሪ መረጃ መመልከቱ በቂ ነው። በተለይ ይህ አወቅሁ አወቅሁ ብሎ እንጣጥ የሚለው ሕጻን የገንጣይ ጋኔል የተጠናወተው መሆኑ በፊትም የታወቀ ነው። Ethiopia, go out of Oromia !! እያልክ እየጮህክ የመራኸው ሰልፍ የቅርብ ትዝታ ነው
    የምታሞኙትን አሙኙ። አንተ ትሞታታለህ እንጂ ኢትዮጵያ አትፈርስም።

  3. ኣሁን ምንም መቀባጠር ኣያስፈለግም። ሆድ ያባውን ብቅል ያወጣዋል እንዲሉ አበው : አንተም በጓዳ ያሰባችሁትን በስሜት ተነሳስተህ አሳውቀሀናል። እናመሰግንህም ኣለን፥፥ ኢትዮጵያ የራስዋ አምላክ አላት የምንለው ከምንም ተነስተን እንዳይደለ እወቁት:: ወደቅች ስትባል ትነሳለች::

    አይዞህ እቺ የሳምንት ሞቅ ሞቅ ስትበርብ መልሰህ እግራችን ስር ትወድቃለህ ፥፥ የማን ነው የሰው ትንሽ: ተናግሮ አናጋሪ!!!

  4. “It may be that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,’ but I should be loath to see a rose on a maiden’s breast substituted by a flower, however beautiful and fragrant it might be, that is went by the name of the skunk lily…… Alexander Henry.”

    Ethiopians be aware of forked tongues that speak of a united Ethiopia on one and a “colonized Oromo Nation” in the other voice. It is suffice to visit the OLF web page to understand their thinking. I believe all these sharp tongued writers and speakers are OLF sympathizers.

    Who or what is the trojan horse called the PAFD (peoples alliance for democracy? Isn’t it a collection of so called liberation movements that include the Oromo, Somali, Sidama, Gambella and Benishangul? How convenient is this for a united Ethiopia?

    I feel angered and bewildered by those who preach against Amhara organizing itself for any eventuality. We rather need a strong Amhara organization to balance the equation.

  5. Yah! once and for all to say good by for long suffering of oromo with slavery in the name of (democratic Ethiopia, revolutionary Ethiopia tqdem,abatoch yaqoyuln ager )oromia has to have her Owen Army,ambassador in uUN in all condition under unity or cessation. No any other solution as we wittnesed in all regime change oromos were at center hopping for better administration ,freedom and equallity.But all attempts were for vain.we dont want to pass slavery from generation to genaration with huge sucrifies and it is just a right given to human being an less violated by agrressors

  6. I very much appreciate your opinions, go ahead. Everything is best under discussion and unity. A bright future is coming, thank you guys!

  7. Unless you are trying to distort the facts said above, all Jawar and the Professor said can be summarized as follows:

    1) The purpose of the upcoming Oromo Meeting is to provide unity and clarity on the future of Oromia within the Democratic Ethiopia to be established in the event of the fall of the TPLF or Woyane government;

    2) To provide a unified leadership and guidance of the Oromo struggle against Woyane or TPLF in the ongoing struggle, among all Oromo political entities; and

    3) To come to a social contract or draft a charter that outlines and maps the nature of the relationship among Oromos i.e., an extension of the Gadaa Legacy;

    4) Oromo being the largest nation in the Ethiopian Union is not separating;

    5) Historically Oromo Ethiopians had a major stake in the Ethiopian sovereignty as they have sacrificed so much and played a distinguished role in the various wars waged to protect Ethiopian sovereignity – such as the repeated Italian wars of aggression, Somali war, War against the secession of Eritrea; and

    6) Will provide a glue to the future of the Democratic Ethiopia to be established by all nations and nationalities (Oromos, Amharas, Ogadeni, Gambella, Gurage, Afar, Sidama, Wolayita, Tigre etc) after the fall of Woyane or TPLF.

    So all Jawar and the Professor said above is that Oromos will be at the center of the future Democratic Ethiopia – first class citizens and second to none.

    TPLF / Woyane thugs and accomplices are trying hard to distort the facts, destruct the unity and solidarity primarily between the Oromos and Amharas – Long Live the Unity of the Oromos and Amharas – Period!

  8. Urgessa,

    How does your comment agree with the following facts:

    1) continuation of a century of resistance the Oromo have mounted against a succession of ruling elites in Ethiopia who have denied Oromo nationhood,

    2) Ethiopian imperial conquests against the Oromo nation and the subsequent colonial subjugation were facilitated by Western support and technologies of coercion [the only times Ethiopia is mentioned is to insult it]

    source: OromoRevolution.com

    3) Establishing Oromo Army Wing [Jawar’s statement on 10/2/2016]

    4) Convening the Oromia Independence (ነጻነት) Charter [Jawar’s statement on 10/2/2016]

    We are not going to be hoodwinked by such feeble coverup any more. We need evidence of what will transpire of this movement. Not just empty words!!

  9. why we the so called Amhara people still struggle to understand the Oromo’s question why??
    I am amahara Ethiopian and I respect and support jawar mohammed’s opinion. We all need to free ourselves before we stand for others , so the ideology oromo first or Amhara first isn’t a betrayal nor is a taboo, it is just a natural human desire to defend first him self then his family, then his ethnicity and goes down to country last. Who on earth wont fight for his own family? does that mean that he doesnt love his neighbors ? why we amhara people have double standards? wake up my people lets show compassion for our oromo brothers

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