May 10, 2014
1 min read

Video: አንድነት ፓርቲ በአዲስ አበባ ሚያዝያ 26 ያካሔደው ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ክፍል 3


  1. I thank my God to be alive to see this day! Ethiopiwinet is still alive and well !!
    The spirit of Ethiopiawinet which we know when we were back home Twenty Five thirty years back is glowing again with unquenchable zeal!
    The tyrant (Weyane) did not crush and will never crush your thirst for freedom and liberty!
    This curse of the nation (Weyane) will have no peace and no rest until they go to their eternal doom, Hell itself! They thought they will break down the peoples aspiration for freedom by instilling fear on them, and they used brutality as a means to curb it, never realizing that violence and brutality brings more resistance!!
    The Weyanes should know that pay day is coming! The time is coming when you will have to reap what you saw! you tried to saw the seed of discord, and hatred among the nation, now see it with your naked eyes how you are hated among the broad mass! Known all over the world for your lying tongues!
    No time and no place for repentance now! you have crossed the point of no return and a sure judgment is all that is awaiting everyone of you!
    The struggle and the resistance will continue until the last of the curse (Weyanes) is removed from the land!
    Beloved sons and daughters of Ethiopia you have payed enormous sacrifice and you are still paying everyday and each moment and you have brought the struggle for freedom this far!
    Keep on Keeping on!! The God of Heaven is on your side! Victory is inevitable, because God is on the side of the oppressed and afflicted !!!

  2. The brave people have spoken “bezer behymanot anekefafelem” that is the Ethiopia we love, respect and protect.

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